So tonight my wife looked iver the WT for tomorrow. She said what she got out of it was that apostates are negative murmurers who can cause you to question Jehovah and his earthly org And that it reminded her of the negativity caused when i told her i read Ray Franz's book. She said it caused me to question service, family worship night, and praying together. (Mostly true but because i knew this org is false). Anyways she told me we need to do more, more service, more study with the girls, more prayer together. I was caught off guard and had nothing to say...any advice on how to respond. Keep in mind im trying to be subtle and not throw the whole heap of BS on her please
by DS211 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Black Sheep
A bit of shut up is very good.
You can't talk sense with a frightened cult member, so don't frighten her.
I figured thats why i didnt lol
How about taking it slow and starting with a family study night? If she calms down and begs off, call it all good.
Captain Obvious
Well we apostates can be pretty negative. Do just enough to keep it from becoming a sore subject. play the long game my friend
good advice I was given on here and also found in the Hassan books is as follows - show her love. Be the most amazing husband she has ever had. Blow her away with your thoughtfulness and attention. But do it just being you. Make her see that she doesnt need WT study nights to have a great family.
Cold Steel
If you value your family, ease up and work slowly to undermine her views in a way that won't threaten her.
Concentrate on finding out why she thinks that the JWs are Jehovah's earthly organization. Also, determine what the consequences she'd suffer if she decided to leave. Would she lose her parents or other extended family? Are all her friends JWs?
Compose a list of questions that bother you and then give them to a non-JW friend. Then, after a little work, arrange to drop by his (or her) home and then let your friend plant some seeds and, if necessary, go back. But know that it's like me and the cat. If my wife had to pick between us, I'd be the one hitting the road! So understand your place in the scheme of things. She's under full mind control mode and none of this will make any sense until she's out from under the spell. And if you pick now to stumble, you may find yourself in one hell of a situation.
As I understand it, she can't divorce you unless you take up with someone else, so you've got a little leverage. You just have to determine the right time to use it. What you've got going for you is that there's nothing in the Bible that indicates the Jehovah's Witnesses are God's organization; there are no angelic ministrations, no visions, no dreams, no spiritual gifts. Jesus didn't issue a press release in 1919 when he inspected the earth's religions and came to the rather remarkable conclusion that the Watchtower Society was the closest religion to what he wanted. If true, this is the first time in world history when God took a less than...proactive...part in setting up a kingdom, or church. In the past, Yahweh has not been very passive when it came to naming prophets, calling apostles, warning the wicked. Whereas the Lord spake unto Jeremiah saying, " Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." (Jer. 1:5) He didn't visit the earth and examine everyone who claimed to be a prophet and then choose Jeremiah as being the closest one to what he was looking for. So that's been my major problem with the Watchtower organization. Yahweh didn't instigate the religion, he didn't appear to anyone, didn't send any angels, didn't ordain a soul, never gave them the Keys of the Kingdom, necessary for being able to bind in Heaven or on Earth; never called anyone that we can determine. And yet the law states that in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. So even if Russell claimed to be chosen by angels, he's lacking a couple of witnesses and we're not obligated to receive his word only. So what's the draw? Seems to have all the attributes of a manmade religion to me.
Good luck!
"For ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you...."
yadda yadda 2
Strike a deal. Tell her you'll agree to all her demands if she first reads both of Ray Franz's books through cover to cover.
read a chaapter or more per week to your kids as a fimily study. Start with one of the gospels and then go on to acts, romans, etc. As you read let the kids ask questions as time goes on it should become clear that the bible and the ORG. don't mesh.
The first thing to go off course in my house was family study, I used the Bible only and made relevant application without any other book and gradually introduced subtleties. It helped the kids, their mum still goes but says she no longer believes the same.