hey Phizzy--i remember the 63 twickers--i was 15 then---and i remember that girl too--i think i had her after you lol--you smudged her lipstick
by St George of England 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's not the Bank Holiday weekend is it???!!!!!
Friday traffic will be HORRENDOUS!!
What numbnuts at Bethal thought that one up? I know they don't adhere to the bank holidays at Bethal but any sane person that large events on BH weekends do not reduce traffic issues. Hotel prices are also higher and rooms less readily available.
I was already not looking forward to this. My day has just got 10x worse...
Hey Bigmac, I dunno about smudged, I was dribbling so much it probably ran off her face. I was a bit younger than you, so not so sophisticated, I'm stil not.
you can always learn from a master--- Phizzy
St George of England
All the UK conventions are on the same weekend next year.
This is so they can tie in to London and watch the assigned GB member IN PERSON via video link!
If you are really ill and cannot make it, then if the elders can vouch for you being genuinely ill, you can go to another destination for the following weekend and watch a video recording of the convention.
If you cannot manage that then you have to convince your elders you are worthy of listening to the audio recording supplied to your congregation some weeks later.
Of course you could always download a recording from this site.......
All the UK conventions are on the same weekend next year.
This is so they can tie in to London and watch the assigned GB member IN PERSON via video link!
That's nuts.
These guys are really into themselves, aren't they?
Why don't just take the last remaining step and put themselves on the cover of every Watchtower, just like Oprah on "O" magazine?
Yes, it's very important for JW's to not book the hotels they can get real cheap and across the street from the convention site on priceline or hotwire because the GB won't get their 10% cut of the room fee. If the close overpriced hotels are sold out, it's better for them to book the ones which are on the list that are an hour away so the society still gets their 10% room fee!
Captain Blithering
Bank holiday weekend ? Flippin Ludicrous .