Thats a good point BigMac death caused by refusing BTs usually makes some kind of news.
Most of time but not always.
My mother for example refused a BT when she became severely sick from an infection in the Hospital a few years ago,
she died 2 days later, of course it wasn't known by most of my family who are not JW until a month later.
The only ones who really knew were my father and my older brother who are JWS.
Sorry folks but those high numbers of 250,000 just aren't realistic.
The change in what parts/factions of BTs that usable has lowered deaths as well.
Staying the low side of 50,000 since 1948 would be a fair approximation.
Nevertheless no small number.
This comes at a wrongly screwed up understanding/interpretation out of an ancient Hebrew law, which was produced
from an idealogical concept that blood had some vital sacredness but was actually a dietary law not a health consuming law.
Good grief humans are stupid and when they get really stupid they become very dangerous.