Or is it just wishful thinking on our parts?
Any proof that more JW's are leaving in greater numbers then before?
by Crazyguy 29 Replies latest jw friends
Well Memorial attendance numbers in the United States this year (2013) are lower than they were in 2010. That's a first because the trends have usually been for steady increases in Memorial attendances.
Worldwide, annual numbers baptized have been trending downwards for years. Some Western countries fluctuate between - 1% drops and + 1% gains - despite their significant immigant numbers (who are usually sitting ducks for paradise promises).
Census data in some countries - such as New Zealand - show that the self-reported numbers of those identifying as Jehovah's Witnesses is decreasing. I do not have the figures on hand but in 1996 more than 19,000 New Zealanders were self- or family-identified as affiliated with the religion, whereas in 2006 it had dropped to around 17,000 (remember this is higher than the numbers of active publishers because it is self-report of affiliation).
A reasonable good gauge of growth or otherwise is their annual yearbook which provides a country-by-country account of the year's growth compared with the previous year.
I also undestand that, in some countries the ratio of Witnesses to numbers in the population has dropped.
I do not think we will see too dramatic a drop in affiliation in the near future - perhaps more a spluttering of growth?
As long as they keep having children they will see slow increase I would suspect. Lots of kids yet to be baptized between the ages of 9 and 19....
I thought it was interesting that at the agm they made no mention of a new peak of publishers for the US, by now they have the figures.
We will have to wait and see if there are any major decreases, or just slow to no growth as the years go on.
But there were world wide decreases during 1977 which was -1% and during 1978 which was -1.4%.
The USA saw -3% for each of those years.
This was after the big 1975 let down. (1976 had a 2% increase.)
Things picked up a lot right after that so something similar could take place over the next few years, but I wonder how many witnesses really care that 2014 will be 100 years for the last days. I'd guess to newer witnesses that does not matter at all.
I wonder how many witnesses really care that 2014 will be 100 years for the last days. I'd guess to newer witnesses that does not matter at all.
I agree factfinder. It does matter to those who have an interest in "proving all things" but matters very little to those who are not that interested in what's gone before - or who take a dismissive approach about it.
The mistake we make - so to speak - is assuming there will be a widespread "lightbulb" moment when vast numbers of them will wake up. I don't think so.
Yet, this not caring about the details of the past is also something of a liability for the organization; it reflects the growing amount of apathy in kingdom halls. I maintain that apathy and apostasy is the organization's bigger enemy. You can stop people thinking - but you cannot stop 'em yawning.
my JW has been doing more "talks"(gawd what a dumb term for sales pitch) which tells me that more people are ditching them. unless they started giving out 2 talks per month. which still would indicate a lack of candidates. also we are not in BFE. this is a BIG metro area.
I think there are loads of newbies on JWN, have you seen Clarity's list? Maybe Simon can do a count, but I think more are leaving just from evidence in our hall, but thats just me
steve2- yes, I think there is a lot more apathy in the congregations now.
You can stop people thinking - but you cannot stop 'em yawning.
I like that steve2
.And I tend to agree that apathy along with the internet which free`s peoples minds , leading to apostasy is THE great bugbear of the WT religion .Their is certainly no urgency in their so called life saving witnessing work , nothing like in the 60`s ,70`s when they ( we ) were fired up about the end being so close .Watching a group of witnesses in my area recently they looked bored out of their mind as they dawdled going from door to door , apparently not caring if anybody answered or not.And certainly not taking notes to call back on those who didnt answer the door.Do they even make a pretense of doing return visits/back calls nowadays ? And I would venture to say the youth who are born ins definitely lead double lives to keep up appearances in the congregation and with their parents.
It continues to astound me that wittnesses I knew
in the 1970's are still attending. I think its like a social
club with a very isolating effect that keeps them clinging
to one another. How could any reasoning person who
does any research into the literature not see the fundamental
premise of 1914 and the "one generation" basis of all the doctrines
is simply dismantled by time alone? Nothing works, how can
they not regret the fact they thwarted their own children's lives ?
To see their children grow up having avoided all opportunities that
could have given them richer lives and more interesting and financially
rewarding work and careers to say nothing of children unborn that
they were afraid to have " in this system" To realize this I guess,
is just too painful to face. Hopefully the youth today can free themselves
with the help of this information age and the Internet.