Just had ours too, they were really pushing the numbers getting baptised ww ever day, 700 I think they said... So bearing in mind that ww the increase is only 1.9 percent (I think) there must be a heckuva lotta people leaving... Oh Yeh paintball was mentioned here too, in a demo. A few of us did it recently, I saw one of the chaps I went with after the sessions, we both thought we should definitely go again!
"God's Word Is Beneficial..." 2013/14 Circuit Assembly "Highlights"
by 88JM 15 Replies latest jw friends
At one time in the 1990s they were baptising 1000 people a day. I doubt they'll ever reach that number again.
Did they make any mention of 2 Cor 11:14, 15, where "transforming" has been changed to "disguising" in the new NWT? (The link shows that this rendering is hardly new.)
We just heard from someone saying 'the DO said Satan can't "tranform" himslf, but he can "disguise" himself.' He likely got a lot of "wow"s on this stupendous new light.
(Incidentally, BDAG gives both meanings for metaschematizo ; Strong's # 3345; And I could see where someone could be said to metaphorically 'transform' themselves.)
Take Care
No Bobcat - I don't recall that verse being mentioned or that point being made. Actually now I think about it, Satan wasn't mentioned much at all in the whole assembly - he seems to be getting less blame these days and it's more about naughty imperfect JW's that are the bad ones.
Julia Orwell - It wasn't exactly said "JW's at school are sex magnets" but the thought was made that because JW's are "goodie goodies" and "hard to get" that it makes them desireable to "worldly" youths who see them as a "challenge" (i.e. "I bet you can't get him/her") - whereas of course all worldly youths are (insultingly) portrayed as "easy".
Now I really want to go paintballing too!
IF he held up a can of SPAM, it is a deliberate, premeditated, knowing insult, flaunting the platform's power to dispense low-grade recycled crap as spiritual food, and a direct attack on individual human dignity in the guise of trench humor. He is not in the trenches with anyone. And SPAM better not be a metaphor, and certainly is not an illustration, and cannot be a composite sign, and isn't doing anything good invisibly, and is not proper food at any time, and so what was the speaker's purpose in slapping the audience across the face with >>such a product + in such a context<<<? What is that audience, that took that slap on the face and kept sitting, compose of?
Recycled Chazerai (garbage). I remember the speaker at one circuit assembly saying jws want to PASS. Prayer, Association, Study, Service.
Guess now they're Pass(ing) the SPAM.