Relocation of UK Bethel

by krejames 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • krejames

    He he if we start saving and contributing we will be blessed.

  • Oubliette

    Buy real estate in less than desirable areas. Build with free-labor. Wait ..... sell for huge profits.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Letter from Mother

    Now Boys, just to start off, thanks for building my last place. But here's the thing. It just ain't big enough. I am telling you, I need a new, bigger, better place. In fact, so far I have looked over 300 different properities . You know how picky Mother can be!

    Now Boys, don't be gettin ' your shirt-tail all bunched up, for what I am asking for you next.

    Mother needs :

    1. Your time.

    2. Your money.

    I gave you LIFE, so you owe ME big time! You just put your life on hold for me, for a few more years and we get Mother's Big House built!

    You dare to ask me what about the profit(s) I made at the old place on Mill Hill? WHAT? Who are you to question, Mother? You are a nobody.

    You just do like I always tell you what to do. You want a whippin ' or something? I will whip your a$$/donkey so far, I will make sure you are ostracized by all the family. Nobody will talk to you, if I have anything to say about it... And I do!

    Now, don't be a smart a$$/donkey and ask me nuthing . If there is going to be any smart a$$es/donkey's, that'll be me! Got it?

    Now, I want you to remortgage your house, don't get braces for the grandkids, no vacations or new clothes OR new cars allowed, and give me 1/2 of your paycheck, before taxes. Yep. That should just about cover it.

    Now if you do NOT do that, I will scare the beJesus out of you and the kids by telling them god just spoke in my ear and told me THIS TIME, Armegedden IS right around the corner, and if you don't hurry up and give me all your money, right quick, you are gonna go down in the second death, you know Gehenna, where there is no return!

    Be assured of my warm love and best wishes,


    PS Remember Mother always gets what Mother wants and it is so selfish to put your own life ahead of me. :(

    PSS Also, if you do not do this I am cutting you out of my will! Oh yeah, I already did that.

  • krejames

    hehe @ lois! I especially thought the ass/donkey was a nice touch ;)

  • snare&racket

    I was in bethel in 2000 when the last plan started, it was discussed at breakfast (mw), then it was excitedly discussed by everyone for weeks. They talked of sites and areas of the country. They 100% used the same phrase...i.e.somewhere better connected for national transport.One morning we were told to hush and they strictly told us it was not to be mentioned again, it was not going to happen as armageddon was so close. The effort was to go into printing and ministering. The End .... That was 13 years ago.

    i had a pal with an office ( that meant something in bethel), he said that in reality Brooklyn had said 'nope!' and that was that!

    With warwick on the GO and the UK having some minor influence/say (more so than a smaller country), I wouldn't be suprised if the uk didn't put its foot down a little and demand it. IBSA house was pretty rough when I left, it csn't be much better now.

    p.s. I had a room in one of those houses, all I remember is the fanatical rules about using a window wiper blade to clean the glass after using the shower, it was noted if and when you forgot......

    snare x

  • anonymouz

    Plain and simple. They know something you do not know yet, and what they will tell you they know is NOT what they know as the real reason for vacating. You'll understand after you know then, what they know now. Make a mental note.

  • dozy

    Plans were very advanced in 2000/ 2001 to move to Milton Keynes but when 9/11 occured the Governing Body scrapped them assuming Armageddon was imminent ( as ever since 1874 )- apparently Ron Drage was furious. Rumour had it that they had already signed an agreement to lease the land and had to pay a large "penalty clause" to cancel the contract.

  • jookbeard

    they are sitting on real estate value with Bittacy Hill and The Ridgway that equates to some of the highest in London, maybe a deal will be done with their Jewish friends ? (Mill Hill is a huge Jewish area) the transport links being used as an excuse is another example of how deceitful they are when Mill Hill offers the best transport links of any London suburb.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    That letter from "Bethel" had a letterhead of The Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses. They arent called that.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    If you ever write to the US branch with a question you will receive a reply with the same heading.

    The letter is genuine, I photographed it on the Kingdom Hall notice board.


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