Evidently, Stand for pure....... was not happyfied in the response from Splash
Proof of a Kingdom Hall being sold to a church!
by Sittingstraight1212 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Band on the Run
The double standard is amazing yet Witnesses just accept it. NYC had a notorious church change example. Episcopal churches were common downtown. I suppose the city was WASPier once upon a time. Before income tax, robber barons competed for status by donating money to tax programs. Woem, unable to work for compensation, volunteered. These neighborhoods became commercial with few residents to support the magnificent churches. The Diocese and some individual churches decided to sell. Maintenance was eating away endowments. A key church was sold. Everyone assumed another denomination would purchase it or it would be razed to build expensive high rise co-ops.
No condition was set on the sale. It turns out a shady nightclub operator purchased it. The church became a drug bazaar. The architectural setting was conducive to gothic happenings. The police were always there, making serious arrests. I passed it yesterday. The club flourishes.
There is a ritual to desanctify a church. I've never witnessed one.
I know Witnesses scrambling for a living who quit jobs in Babylon the Great at the direction of the Society. It reminds me of the Witnesses probable asset strategy. They must hold equity and debt shares in companies that are not righteous. It is all right for the WTBTS to receive money. Always all right. Yet I wonder how many of us have ever seen their holdings or a financial statement. I never saw a KH with architectural aesthetics. Maybe I exist. My universe was confined to boxes in urban areas with tacky security measures. They appeared to welcome no one.
In Spain, some Kindgdom Hall to sell.
The members of Governing Body Bank want go to heaven, but first of all, want our earthly money.
I just realized, on selling KH to churches. I remember brothers getting in trouble, for example if they were a carpenter or contractor, if they were to accept work for a church, building a church roof, etc, they could get in trouble.
local south devon plymouth kh was sold to a coptic church....very nice...!
JWs must accept double-standards. To do otherwise would be admitting that they are wrong about many of their doctrines and practices. No one really likes to be wrong, but most people say, " Doh! That was dumb! Thanks for telling me something I did not know.", and they move on. Not so with dubs. They have been raised with the belief that they are the "thinkingest" people on the Earth. Yep, the smartest of the smart. The best of the best. The elite of the elite, the GB/FDS, make sure the rest know that they are also part of the "thinkingest" people, just not as "thinkingest" as the GB.
Doctors, Lawyers, Physicists, you name it, a dub is smarter, ultimately better. Those who are merely "worldly wise" will never contemplate the grand scheme of life quite as well as a window-washing Eldub. Those worldlings are merely doing what they can with the time they have left. Not so with dubs. We are better, special. Anything that we do, even a duplicitous act of Theocratic Warfare is acceptable because the ends justify the means. It can be hard for an idoctrinated person to face truth. It's frightening at times, but it has advantages that outweigh the temporary benefits of a lie.
Truth is liberating. Realizing that you don't have all the answers is a vital step in learning. Years are not truly wasted if you gained something from the experience. Sadly, most dubs will never know that satisfaction. They have been indoctrinated from birth with the belief that they are they elite. They are the only "elite" on the planet, but they have zero skills to back up the claim. Imagine a guy who wanted to be a Navy Seal, but he never enlisted in BUDS. In fact, he could not even swim. Even so, he bought Navy gear at the Military Surplus store, and walked around town believing that he was just as "elite" as an actual Navy Seal, and demanded to be called "Master Chief." Crazy, right? Absolutely.
Isn't that what we did as dubs? We walked around pretending that we were elite humans. We didn't have any qualifications to back any of our claims, yet we insisted on being recognized as the only humans approved by GOD. Everyone around us knew that we were crazy. They humored us, just like we would humor the crazy guy who thought he was in the Navy.
In the end it's an extreme act of humility to admit that you are nothing and know nothing. That kind of humility is rare. Coming to grips with reality can be very difficult, because it means facing some ugly truths about yourself. Knowing that you acted like an idiot can be a little embarassing. Like the Emperor with his new magical clothes, we may prefer a lie to the truth. Accepting double-standards means you can put off the reality check. The duplicity is less painful than reality. You get to keep your elite status among mere mortals, and show off your new magical clothes after each meeting, CA, or DC. The AGM was equivilent to the Oscars for JWs. The elite of the elite were out in force, showcasing their splendid spiritual rainment to one and all.
Un-clogging a toilet doesn't seem so bad when you can day- dream about such a happifying event, and your own greatness.
Assembly Hall in Barcelona City (Spain), sold to Church of Christ, 4.000.000€ Where is the money? In paradise? In hedge funds?
As usual it's " do as we say , not what we do"! I'm just thankful to be free from the crap!!!
In sweden I know that two assembly halls are sold. One of them strangnas was sold to un estate company. The other one( jakobsberg) is today a mosque. Unfortunately the ( Strangnas hall) was sold to a company that didn’t have the cash to pay. And this company made bankruptcy. I don’t know how much the society lost on this transaction. But I know that many brothers and sisters were disappointed. They had spent many month in voluntary jobs to make “the world’s largest” JW assembly hall.
Today the congregations associated to “the world’s largest” assembly hall are ordered to travel 2-3 hundreds of km to a winter resort in the northern Sweden, paying for the Hotel rooms about 100 $ per night. When over 100 persons are coming to these circuit assemblies, the company that owns the Hotel is willingly to let their conference hall for free. That’s good business for the WBTC. Of course the CO,s and others that are the organizing people are eating and sleeping for free in the largest suits. This arrangement of course in done only under low season. But it is a money maker.