JWs aren't the only crazy ones...

by ilikecheese 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ilikecheese

    Here's a lovely idea I heard from an evangelical preacher lately. He said that any mother who works when it isn't financially necessary is "serving the Devil." I think I remember that verse. It's in the book of Full of Crap, maybe chapter 3...

    Doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, public servants, lawyers, or scientists who also happen to be mothers are moonlighting as the minions of Satan. Once they get knocked up, who knows what they might do?! Watch out!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    He's using religion to push his chauvinism!!!

  • ilikecheese

    Julia, I agree! There are too many religious types who use their beliefs to subjugate women. The saddest bit is that so many women are cool with it.

    Things like this are especially annoying, though, because the Bible really doesn't say anything about women not working outside of the home. Petty men try to make it say that, though. I also wonder how statements like this make stay at home dads feel. There are a ton of them nowadays.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It was far worse under the Taliban, and they used religion to rationalize their oppression of women too, even though I'm pretty sure the Quran doesn't state women mustnt leave the house.

  • ilikecheese

    Yes, crazy fringe Muslim groups are just ridiculous. I'm very glad I don't live in an area where they have any foothold. I'd be "honor killed" immediately! As I'm sure loads of western women would be.

    I always wonder how much of the treatment of women is based on men actually believing these things and how much of it is just being afraid of/hating women.

  • transhuman68

  • EdenOne

    Funny how things go ...

    Everyone gets VERY offended when the GB calls apostates "mentally diseased" individuals. Yet, it's OK to call JW's "crazy ones". Go figure ....


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I never called em crazy, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...ducks are really cute, especially those little white ones with the yellow beaks.

  • blondie

    The industrial revolution came about 1850...before that men and women both worked at home for the most part. Lydia was a seller of purple, Priscilla worked with her husband making tents. The good wife in Proverbs 31 made real estate transactions. So good Christian men should be home working not out associating with Satan's spawn, right? To think it was not financially necessary for women to work from Bible times to today is a narrow view of what exists in the world...where women have been working to help support the family for years, where families would never succeed without their work.

  • ilikecheese

    When I said crazy, I just meant weird and saying ridiculous things. I guess I meant more "JWs aren't the only ones who say nutty things."

    And yes, Blondie, those are good examples!


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