Welcome, enjoy the journey. You'll get lots of support here.
Celebrate my first post of many :)
by Mellow 35 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome Mellow..... and work that beard boy!
Welcome Mellow!!
I am seeing paragraphs Mellow......it's all good either way. If you want to manually set up paragraphs click that little pencil on the right of your post and you get to edit what you wrote up to a half hour.
We also have spellcheck next to the smiley face (abc check).
hello mellow---sorry mate--i just couldnt resist it. i'm from brmingham--originally---but have lived many years now--on the isle of wight. i guesss that narrows it down a bit--but--who cares.
heres a link to others on here ( been doing this a lot lately )
There will be ups and downs. But the freedom to think and actually live in the end make it worth it. I wish you the best. Hang in there. Try to post here when you need to talk and vent. Avoid saying to much to non sympathetic family. Glad to have you!!!
Welcome Mellow, glad you found your way here, I hope you have a successful fade. Enjoy your freedom.
Lisa Rose
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Welcome mellow! You have most of your life ahead of you. It is awesome that you can now persue your dreams/goals without guilt. Go for it!