I was listening to a news report yesterday that said that after two weeks of being available to the public, only 226 people here in Colorado had signed up for health coverage under the ACA offered through the Colorado State exchange. That seems hard to grasp...the population here is over 5MM, so that works out to .0045% (if my math is correct) of the population signing up for health insurance. The report also mentioned that besides the 226 that actually signed up for insurance coverage, another 2800 created a log in account, but made no insurance purchase.
Do other States seem to have the same underwhelming response to this program?...either the program is flawed, or there isn't the demand for health coverage that the government anticipated and sold as fact to the American public.
I do know that my wife's current coverage was cancelled (as not compliant with ACA requirements, whatever that means!), and she now has to buy a new plan that offers lower coverages at a higher cost...something doesn't seem right here!