Finding Faith

by andrew.riener 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • andrew.riener

    Hi everyone,

    I went to a few JW meetings and talked to some of them and had a few bible studies but stopped going and just returned everything after pressure from my family. I am thinking of going back but any advise on how I should do it?

    I also had a question regarding the JW faith

    Do you have to be baptized in order to be "Saved"?

    What about our friends and family? Will they be with us in the future?

    Thank you


  • emeth

    wrong site andrew riener... here you only find people that tell you to run run run far from the Jehovah's Witnesses. You better go to the Kingdom Hall,. and leave this site for what it is. That is my kind and sincere advise

  • chrisuk

    Hello Andrew,

    I was a long term study that left after doing my research. Yes you have to be baptized, not to be saved but to be in with a CHANCE that you might be saved/ressurected at the big A. If your freinds and family don't become JW's the watchtower teaches that they will die at armageddon with no chance of a ressurection. I would reccomend going to this site and doing your research about the watchtower

    Good luck.

  • Londo111

    Welcome to JWN.

    The Watchtower view of salvation is that only JWs baptized, regular and in good standing will have any hope to survive Armageddon. The only way non-JW family and friends would be there is if they die before the Great Tribulation begins. After that, it is taught it is too late.

    If you do get baptized, understand that if at any point after that you change your mind, your family will begin to shun you. At least if you remain as you are they won’t have to worry about that.

    I would advise looking at sites like JWFacts before proceeding.

  • jgnat

    I admire a man of faith who wants to look deeper. Why the Witnesses? There are other religions out there that are far kinder.

  • Phizzy

    There are many Christian sects who will try their best to help you gain a faith in Christ. The JW's will only want you to build faith in the Watchtower Organization and in its Governing Body.

    Steer well clear, they do know how to mess with your mind.

  • tec

    Why not simply look to Christ and place your faith in Him?

    Christ did not say... come to the true religion.

    Christ said, "Come to ME." "I am the Truth and the Life."

    No one and nothing else, Andrew. Just Christ.

    May you hear as the Spirit (who is Christ) and the bride say, "Come... and take the free gift of the water of life."

    That water of life is found in Christ. Not man. Not religion. But just Christ.

    Peace to you,


  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Yes, you must be baptized into the JW organization, or you will not be saved from destruction.

    Great questions! I hope you will continue doing your own research. Check their story... the truth does NOT fear examination.

  • steve2

    andrew you've been registered on this site since 2009 - although this appears to be your first post.

    Either your query is totally suspect or you are one hell of a naive dude. If you are the latter, you are perfect for the witnesses, but if you are the former, caught you!

  • fulltimestudent

    Dear Andrew,

    After 40 years of faithful witnessing I decided it was not the truth and I told the elders, I've made a mistake, this is not what I want in my life. I bore no malice, did no harm to anyone in the church, I just wanted to resign. The elders said I couldn't do that, you're being unfaithful to Yahweh, we will chuck you out - and so they did.

    Just remember that if you join up and ever want to leave. And if you're family wants to stay in, they will be encouraged to hate you and have nothing to do with you.

    Read this site - the biggest complaint is over the split family issue - that's the beginning of the whole issue between apostates and that organisation.

    Are they being reasonable on this issue? Decide that first, before you get baptised.

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