Are you religious or are you spiritual? Wake up to what?

by Deltawave 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Deltawave
    Jesus only said that the law would not pass away until it was fulfilled which he believed he did upon dying. So the law is irrelevant now according to Jesus. X
  • cappytan
    Buddha taught that getting rid of cravings and desire were the key to happiness. How is self denial of pleasure, asceticism, loving yourself? How is denying yourself sexual pleasure or a good meal with a loved one loving yourself?

    I have read where the Buddha said those things. But, from what I've read, what you said is a little off. He tried indulgence and realized that didn't make him happy. He tried asceticism and realized that didn't make him happy.

    I'm by no means an expert on buddhism. But from what I've read, his personal conclusion was that there was a middle way. Living a balanced life. Not a life of complete self-denial or a life of over-the-top indulgence. But a life where happiness isn't dependent on satisfying cravings and desire.

    He is said to have taught in the Kalama Sutta (a famous 'sermon' of his, for lack of a better word) that one should not believe or accept a teaching if he didn't agree with it - including his own teachings.

  • Viviane
    Who should you believe? I don't know who you should beleive as I am neither your rabbi or your guru.

    Then why are you here promoting your idea of truth? Why are you making claims about what all people need?

    I however beleive that all humanity has the need to be fulfilled by something beyond the superficial.

    Why do you believe that?

    When you take what the afore mentioned said in its simplest terms they encouraged

    Nope, not at all. Your imagining what you want them to have said rather than addressing what they actually said.

    Muhammad taught these principles yet fought in wars.
    Jesus taught these principles yet upheld the mosaic law.
    Bhudda taught these principles while denying all his desires.

    Mohammed had sex with children. Jesus endorsed slavery and rape. Buddha said to deny yourself pleasure and desire.

    None of those teaching you claim they made are in any way compatible with their actions or actual teachings.

  • nelim
    What does "being spiritual" mean? The dictionary definition says, amongst others, "
    of, relating to, or consisting of spirit; incorporeal." ... but if it has to do with the supernatural, where exactly is the boundary with religion? If one writes rules/guidelines how to "be spiritual", isn't one starting a new religion then, effectively?
  • Deltawave

    Yes that's my point. All the spiritual figures in history taught to same few principles. Principles of which I believe are the mark of true spirituality.

    Principles I hold myself too as a standard of living

  • Viviane
    Yes that's my point. All the spiritual figures in history taught to same few principles. Principles of which I believe are the mark of true spirituality.

    That is not true in any way.

  • Deltawave
    Have you read the teachings of these men? Or are you quoting what religion has said about these men? Huge difference.
  • Viviane
    If one writes rules/guidelines how to "be spiritual", isn't one starting a new religion then, effectively?

    Exactly. The idea of being "spiritual" but not "religious" is simply a way to complain about religion but still want to promote undefined, meaningless woo.

  • Deltawave

    Bhudda or Bhuddism

    Jesus or Christianity

    Muhammad or Islam

  • Viviane
    Have you read the teachings of these men? Or are you quoting what religion has said about these men? Huge difference.

    Oh, look, a false dichotomy!

    So, at this point you've made false claims about what these people taught, tried to pass your stuff off as truth, tried to tell all of us what we need and tried to claim you aren't teaching anything, all while wrapping this hubris, arrogance and error in the cloak of fake humility.

    This sounds exactly like a religion to me.

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