OK--so--hands up if your are an APOSTATE

by bigmac 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmac

    i'm proud to say i'm an apsostate.

    anyone else up front about it?

  • Phizzy

    I cannot say Apsostate when I am sober. I am proud to be an Apsostate whatever it is , when I am pissed.

    I cannot be an Apostate as far as the present JW/WT religion is concerned, sober or pissed.

    I left the WT/JW religion some years ago, that religion,as it was then, no longer exists. I cannot "stand apart from" that which I have never been part of.

    However, if practicing JW's wish to label me an Apostate from their present joke religion, even if it is a misnomer, I am proud to wear the label, proud to raise my hand.

    I never want to be considered part of that nonsense.

  • bigmac

    ha ha--yes-- i just tried to edit my spelling clanger--but --too late--its there now forever ---aaah well.

  • Phizzy

    I've done a few typos myself in my time, despite proof reading, I seem to get a blind spot sometimes, several pints of real ale doesn't help as well.

    Your point in the Thread Title is a good one though, JW's may throw that word at us as the biggest insult they can think of, yet we are proud to raise our hands and claim the Title.

    I feel like someone who is called by a racist a "N***** lovin' bastard", yup too true, and proud of it.

    "Apostate me ? spot on buddy, I couldn't possibly be more in opposition to your murderous lying religion. "

  • bigmac

    if i drank several pints of real ale--i would drown with an idiot grin on my face. i tend to drink cheap rotgut white cider--the kind our loving goverment is trying to tax beyond reach. but i sip it out of a wine glass--i can make 3 litres last 2 evenings.

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    LOL really funny I'm not sure if I'm an Apsostate but and Apostate according to the JW's definition... definitely!

  • snare&racket

    I'm a respecter of freedoms and truth, including the right to appraise and question all information.

    i wont play their games and use their draconian labels, but if the above makes you apostate by their standards.... Then it is our label whether we want it or not.

    On a positive note, their opinion of us is insignificant to the opinion the world has on WT, a fundementalist, ignorant cult..... So we win.....we got out...label or not.

    snare x

  • EndofMysteries

    The WT Org is the apostate, setting themselves up above God.

  • Hortensia

    If calling me apostate makes them quake in their boots, it's OK with me. Amazing that the word has such power. I'm actually not a threat to anyone and I don't care what they believe at all. If only they could understand that they aren't the center of the entire world, and mostly no one else gives a damn about them and their little cult.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    If the WT likes me, there's something wrong. They need to get out of all my face and call me whatever they please! LOL!!!

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