135th Gilead Class video

by zound 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • zound

    Whoah this video is so sad and cultlike - the most uncomfortable 6 minutes I've sat through for awhile.

    The GB have seemingly pulled the rug from beneath the Gillead missionaries and assigned them internally to bolster the organisation. Closing the ranks.

    The interviews show sadness, surprise, confusion among the missionaries - so many offputting quotes in this video. They're like zombies.

    The intermiddent clips of the GB cracking the whip are sickening - and to think, these are the 'highlight' clips the GB approved, I can only imagine what the rest of it was like.


  • tenyearsafter

    Making lemonade out of lemons...

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    That was weird.

  • LostGeneration

    Creepy indeed. Jehovah, jehovah, jehovah. Its all they know how to say.

    Sad stuff. Mind contol on film.

  • MissConfused

    What do they actually teach in these 'priviledged' classes to the handpicked people?

  • LostGeneration

    Missconfused...look up some of alltimejeff's old posts. Something like knorr=elija and Rutherford=elisha. Crazy cult stuff that never made it to the public WT.

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    LostGeneration: " Jehovah, jehovah, jehovah. It's all they know how to say."

    You know, there used to be ramifications for that...

  • clarity

    We can see the lovely quality of these people, it shines thru even tho

    they have been so thoroughly 'thought controlled'


    Such a shame ... religion IS a snare & a racket!

  • problemaddict

    "allowing Jehovah to choose us......"

    That pretty much sums it up. The pioneering, then reaching out, then being hand selected by branch members = Jehovah choosing us.

    Its getting pretty odd.

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