MadGiant- "Would you please elaborate?"
The point I was making was that it is not a simple question of whether the NT is literal or not. It is evidently a very well written collection of Myth literature, the writers being well educated and wellversed in the greek and other cultural myth genre, despite church leaders telling us for some two thousand years that these writer were not. This was used to explain the numerous strange grammatical constructions used in the greek text which appear to have no reason even when it is evident that the writer purposely changed between their constructions even though they know and use the correct and or common types. With the writers expert level of scholarship an inconsistant approach to grammatical construction must indicate some form of encryption. The special way which scholars of greek since Jerome have insisted that the NT demands unique translaton of words in specific versres is evidence of the churches false doctrine and the removal of the encryption indecators in the original text.
If the writer were intelligent and expert enough to produce such clear scripts then there is no reason why they could not have hiden within the myth story true and acurate facts of the real historic situation and events which with using a specific set of rules, or knowledge that the early leaders of christain movement were fully awear of. It is unfortunate that we as common people and the scholars have been taught to accept some basic facts ,which are not true, and not to question to stongly the establishments' views.
The concept of hiding facts is as common today as it was two thousand years ago, although the consequenses for NT writers or early leaders were far more serious than they are now, especially if some of the true identities and motives of some of the main characters in the NT were in VERY elevated positions of power within the Jewish and Roman political structure. The same is true of this site, many posters use an alias to avoid the consequenses of their identities being revealed to the JWs of there congregation etc.
I hope this makes the concept a little clearer.