Bump back to the front of the line, if a few Bible Studies would listen to these audios and videos, Ray's videos will save them from devoting their lives to Satan.
How to DF 2 People With ZERO Proof! New YouTube video and article
by RayPublisher 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I watched the video and I appreciate all the details with dates etc. I did have a few questions.
Is it the norm for the WTBTS to send out letters stating that they are representing local elders now? I thought that the concensus was that the locals elders were on their own when it came to lawsuits.
Also, do you think that the WTBTS attornies got invloved possibly due to the registered letter inviting the 2 jws to the judicial committee was already in the mail before the local body of elders got the local attornies letter stating no further contact?
On the other hand, I wanted to point out that while the video seems to have the facts and dates etc nalied down the way the information does not seem that it comes across as fair and balanced. The jokes, side comments, innuendos (sp?) extra pokes at the elders and WTBTS attornies, tone , inflection etc , to me, shows a bit of one sidedness that I would imagine one would not want to share with those viewing the videos.
If the goal is to get on the fence lurking JWs to see the facts of the "case" then the way this video comes across would probably tend to allow the JWs to view it as coming from a person with a "grudge" against the WTBTS etc, exactly what the WTBTS would want a lurking jw to think about us "apostates"
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the videos that you make and have been out for a few years now, but I honestly feel that if I were just starting to lurk around a bit, it would have a tendency to make me think the info coming from some of the ones on youtube etc was biased.
Hey,.. donlt hsting on me for sharing, hoping to just pass that info along without any hurt feelings. Am I the only one that sees this video as being heavily biased?
Newly Enlightened
Thank you Ray/JJ. Great job on the video
William Penwell
There is a couple of things that will piss off the elders. For this couple to get a "worldly" lawyer to represent them is the ultimate sin in the elder’s eyes. I went through this kangaroo court preceding’s 20 years ago. That was the final straw for me. The laughable thing is I do not recognize their authority, so they can do anything they like.
YET - if an adult is accused of molesting a child, the victim is dragged infront of the abusr and expected to accuse him to his face.
Why dont they ever do that with the gossips?
@ slimboyfat - Thanks bro. I like your expertise(s) as well. ;)
@ Oubliette - You don't miss much, good observations. What was that quote from?
@ notjustyet - You raise a fair point. I was being sarcastic as the subject matter was so aggregious and disgusting to me, such a violation of basic civil rights.
With a video like this I am not trying to reach some asleep JW who accidentally stumbled upon this video; they will never break out of their cult programming that way. THis one is for people that are faders, ex-JWs, or ones that have an interest in JW procedures, etc.
As for your question: "Is it the norm for the WTBTS to send out letters stating that they are representing local elders now? I thought that the concensus was that the locals elders were on their own when it came to lawsuits."
I believe that they will shoot off a threatening letter to make things easy when they need to, but no if an elder is in legal trouble they will only act if they feel it will protect WT interests not that poor sap.
@ Newly Enlightened - You're welcome!!!!!@ William Penwell - It's truem if you do something to get them on a crusade then they will break or disregard every rule to DF you.