JWs and pessimism

by elisaporquien 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • elisaporquien

    There are people who are pessimistic, optimistic, cynical or whatever. I've noticed that ever since my sister became a JW she's become very pessimistic about life NOW (present time). I love and care about her but her pessimism sometimes brings me down (emotionally). I feel that she's not living her life. She's planning a trip to Europe next year and everytime she mentions it she says, "who knows how the world will be, I might not even be able to go..." or she'll start, "the way things are going..." Doesn't the Bible also teach not to worry about tomorrow? Is there a sense of pessimism among all JWs?

  • Brother Mike
    Brother Mike

    Will nobody is perfect.

  • elisaporquien

    trust me I know nobody is perfect its common sense AND ever since my mom became a JW its become her favorite thing to say. Its kind of annoying at this point.

  • d

    They are very pessismic.They see bad in everything.Oh it's raining today sign of the times.

  • blondie

    jws tend to be pessimistic in a "positive" way...they want the end to come and think the worse things look the closer it must be. They don't want this "system" to get better. Bad things happening to them can be signs they are being persecuted and have God's approval.

  • villagegirl

    Gloom and Doom, they hope for the worst, they get excited

    when others fail and the economy takes a nose dive or wars start,

    they miss the overall forward and positive and upward motion of

    events and the fundamental goodness and kindness in mankind.

    Its the isolating ideas they have about "worldly people"

    There is no real connections in the congregation because of artificial

    judgements and no real deep connections to their community at large

    because of fear and the "US" and "THEM" mentality of being "separate"

    Certain scriptures have been twisted to create a dependence on the

    "organization" and fear of being lost without it. They think they are

    "protected" and don't fully understand why their lives are so empty feeling.

  • 2+2=5

    For JWs life in "this system" is to be endured, not enjoyed. They are taught to focus on the "real life", which is coming real soon.

    It is a warped and delusional kind of pessimism.

  • prologos

    the killer was always the publisher you worked with in the H2H that could not take a door without mentioning "the problems in the world" to the house holder.

    Problems in the world.

    Pessimists to pull others down.

    down all the way. where is the drooping mouth icon?

  • d

    If you mentioned good things they have a deer in headlights look.

  • WTWizard

    And they are not just pessimists. It's one thing to be a pessimist and prepare for what's coming--stocking up on rechargeable batteries, LED light bulbs, silver and gold, guns and ammunition, food that will hold for 25 years, and so on. It's another to be a pessimist about life now and then do nothing to prepare, leaving it in joke-hova's hands. What's the track record of joke-hova providing? Did that thing provide for anyone who sold out between 1968 and 1975 and are now destitute near retirement? What about those who are near death and could regain health, but for a blood transfusion or genuine spiritual healing? Or those who lost college education solely because of the religion only to end up destitute?

    Yes, I have negative expectations for what is going on in the world. And I have even more negative expectation about what joke-hova is going to do about it. But, instead of merely complaining and putting all my trust in something with an even worse track record, I have been taking steps to ease the effects. Hyperinflation? Try printing silver and/or gold. Bank bail-ins? Let's see JP Morgue try deleting 90% of my silver stash with a mouse click. Energy crisis? A bicycle will pedal right past long gas lines, closed gas stations, and rationing. LED lights use far less electricity than those squiggly things that waste huge amounts of energy doing who knows what, or the incandescent lights that heat the place (especially during summer). Blackouts? Bring them on--that's what having plenty of lanterns, flashlights, batteries (NiMH type), and chargers is for. But, there is no way I am going to trust in joke-hova.

    Worse, the witlesses make these situations even worse. No education in 1969 led many a witless into destitution when they could have had reasonable security. And now they have recently been asked to throw away any "surplus" funds they might have, while cutting back on their income so they cannot gain any back. That way, if they lose their jobs, they are immediately up sxxx creek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe. They cannot buy precious metals, so hyperinflation will devastate them. They also cannot buy good emergency lighting systems, so if they experience rolling blackouts, they scramble for what they do have (often crap flashlights with dead batteries). They spend so damn much time in field circus that they cannot learn a barter trade, so they can't offer one service for another when the financial system does crash and burn. In effect, making a problem into a disaster.

    Then they have the nerve to blame poor Satan.

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