"Mr. Dorgan, even a man of your apparently limited intelligence should be able to see that your experiences with a few battered babies and drug abusers doesn't justify your embrace of a monster!" - Glen Bateman, The Stand (by Stephen King)
Why I'm against obamacare - Aunt cares more about food stamps than dead nephew
by bytheirworks 26 Replies latest social current
BizzyBee, you make no sense.
Can obamacare help 2 children who died in a fire?
You are mentally diseased (pun intended)
The Tea Party...aren't those the clowns in Congress who flushed $27 Billion Dollars down the toilet for a political stunt? Now that's what I call Fiscal Responsibility...
to CaptainSchmideo:
Did you hear about the new Obama Value Menu @ Mcdonalds?
You go the counter, order everything you want, and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
you said: "aren't those the clowns in Congress who flushed $27 Billion Dollars down the toilet"
You must think that's better than Democrats & Republicans giving an 800 Billion dollar bailout to banks!!!
Schmuck-mi-deo, go read a paper. No seriously, go read a paper.
Did you question whether this person was mentally ill.
bytheirworks - Please tell me this is a parody of Tea Party hatred and stupidity.
There aren't really Americans as dumb as this are there?
cofty- Didn't you watch our Elected officials performing their version of Crazy Town last week.
Nope. American politics doesn't interest me unless it involves our troops following your troops to distant lands to blow up other troops.
Your (sorry not your as in your personally designs) unthinking partisan mentality is mind-numbingly tedious.
Leaving small children alone is a FELONY
She will be charged with; reckless endangerment,
and criminal neglect, this woman is too stupid to know she
is going to jail, I am surprised they did not arrest her on the spot.
The Humanitarian Revolution took hold in the wake of the European Age of Enlightenment. Governments slowly began to move away from torture and dissection of criminals. The concept and treatment of persons diagnosed as criminally insane began to develop.
Author Steven Pinker argues new ways to think about and approach human behaviour in The Better Angels of our Nature, drawing on Abraham Lincoln's inaugural address.