So answer this question. Does god have evil, wrong, or bad in Him?
No you say. Then why did he create those vile things for his children?
"He didn't!" you say. They are all as a result of free will. They were not made by him, but in order to not make robots he had to give his creations free will.
Well, answer this. Does God have free will?
Yes you say.
Then answer this. Can God do wrong, evil, or bad things?
No you say. It would be impossible for God to be evil or for God to do wrong. It's against his very nature or being. He just never would or could do wrong.
Then I'll ask again. Does God have free will? Still yes? Then why didn't he just create his spirit and fleshly children in his image? Why didn't he create them with free will but in a way that they just never would or could do wrong?
Does god enjoy "life"? Yes. But, he can't tell a lie or do wrong... He wouldn't ever be capable of being bad. But, he is not a robot right?
So why does it have to be different for his creations? Why did he have to create them with bad and evil capabilities? Why couldn't they be like him in that they had free will but just wouldn't or couldn't be bad?
Free will? It's a very poor bandaid applied to the illogical wound of creations evil and bad.