Do God and Jesus have free will? No they do not. Proven in this thread.

by Comatose 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Comatose

    So answer this question. Does god have evil, wrong, or bad in Him?

    No you say. Then why did he create those vile things for his children?

    "He didn't!" you say. They are all as a result of free will. They were not made by him, but in order to not make robots he had to give his creations free will.

    Well, answer this. Does God have free will?

    Yes you say.

    Then answer this. Can God do wrong, evil, or bad things?

    No you say. It would be impossible for God to be evil or for God to do wrong. It's against his very nature or being. He just never would or could do wrong.

    Then I'll ask again. Does God have free will? Still yes? Then why didn't he just create his spirit and fleshly children in his image? Why didn't he create them with free will but in a way that they just never would or could do wrong?

    Does god enjoy "life"? Yes. But, he can't tell a lie or do wrong... He wouldn't ever be capable of being bad. But, he is not a robot right?

    So why does it have to be different for his creations? Why did he have to create them with bad and evil capabilities? Why couldn't they be like him in that they had free will but just wouldn't or couldn't be bad?

    Free will? It's a very poor bandaid applied to the illogical wound of creations evil and bad.

  • prologos

    I have to sleep with that thought.

    Einstein asked a related question: Did the Lord (Der ALte) have any choice in the making of the natural laws?

    or the redemption question:

    Why would god be bound by his own " Eye for an eye", "life for a life" idea in providing the ransom?

    If he can not lie (contradict truth) Titus 1:2, why are creatures, like Wt writers allowed to contradict (old) truth?

    We seem to have fewer limitations than God?

  • smiddy

    If you beleive in the bible then GOD had/has to have evil in him, otherwise why would he/she have a tree of knoweledge of good and bad in the garden of Eden .Gen 2 :17 And you may very well ask ? Was that entraptment by GOD .?


  • willmarite

    Hi comatose. I don't think I'm understanding your reasonings.

    Does god have free will? Yes. If we are made in his image then we are gods in training and also have free will.

    Could god do something evil? Of course. If it decided to step down in consciousness and be less.

    I don't think it is possible to instill a new creation with god-like knowledge, god-like experience, and god-like qualities such as divine love, forgiveness etc. These things must be learned by experience and personal discovery.

    If we didn't have the capability of doing heinous crimes we would never discover that we only hurt ourselves when we hurt others. Without the capability of making wrong choices there is no growth.

  • adamah

    If he can not lie (contradict truth) Titus 1:2, why are creatures, like Wt writers allowed to contradict (old) truth? We seem to have fewer limitations than God?

    It's actually even simpler than that:

    If God's promises are binding on Him, then God is not omnipotent and doesn't have unlimited free will, since that's the ENTIRE POINT of entering a covenant (AKA writing a contract): both sides promise to perform some action i(or NOT to perform some action) in exchange for something in return.

    So all those covenants created by God (eg the promise never to flood the Earth again, after the Flood)? He voluntarily sacrificed His omnipotence and a measure of 'free will', since God voluntarily sacrifices an certain act that he otherwise could've performed OR if He does the action anyway, then He's a liar and covenant-breaker who reneges on promises.


  • Bart Belteshassur
    Bart Belteshassur

    Not only does God have to have knowledge of all evil, his creation of Satan for example, but he is capable of committing acts of evil.

    2 Kings 2:24 NWT "Finally he turned behind him and saw them and called down evil upon them in the name of Jehovah. Then two she-bears came out from the woods and went tearing to pieces forty two chrildren of their number."

    Evidently this was Jehovah's personnel choice of which form of evil he would aid Elisha with, from his unlimited arsnel of evil acts he could have performed.

  • adamah

    Bart said-

    2 Kings 2:24 NWT "Finally he turned behind him and saw them and called down evil upon them in the name of Jehovah. Then two she-bears came out from the woods and went tearing to pieces forty two chrildren of their number." Evidently this was Jehovah's personnel choice of which form of evil he would aid Elisha with, from his unlimited arsnel of evil acts he could have performed.

    OK, who wants to start the count down clock for how long before a God apologist shows up and claims that God was actually showing mercy for the children, since God sent she-bears (who are known to have softer and more-delicate paws, a show of consideration for the children)?


  • Comatose

    So willmarite, god has evil in him he does not act on. God made evil since he made all things... 99% of believers would disagree with you.

  • LucidChimp

    When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,

    He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.

    But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.

    For the female of the species is more deadly than the male. --Kipling--

  • Bart Belteshassur
    Bart Belteshassur

    The fact that the bears only tore them to pieces, even if it where with softer paws, the injuries and disablement of the child victims was a evil act of the up most horror and effect, not only to the chrildren to endure for rest of their lives but also for the poor parents who would have to look after them for rest of their lives. I never thought that telling the truth could produce this reaction from God!

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