I know as a JW I concluded several times that I was not brainwashed as I was not some unautonimous zombie and had not experienced anything akin to...
BUT in reality, brainwashing is a control of thought and ideas over a person and changing the way they think. In normal life such sentences are not used, in fact they are highly discouraged..
You shouldn't read that
You are over thinking it
That sounds like independant thinking
There is no point pondering that issue now
You should not dwell on asking so many questions
We should just trust the society
The fear ang guilt one feels as a JW when thinking on doubts or questions or on reading material that Watchtower does not approve is a CLEAR SIGN of an altered brain. It is not innate to all humans, tribesmen in africa are not afraid to read the work of an ex governing body member (Ray Franz), a protestant child is not afraid of watching Harry Potter and a catholic priest is not afraid to.....well, let's leave that one for now....only those indoctrinated by current Watchtower beliefs are afraid of normal every day activities for many people...
- Listening to the the current music facing dissaproval by WT
- Talking to people that no longer share your beliefs
- Associating with work mates outside of work
- Swearing
- Staying in School
- Playing Sports in School
- Furthering your career
- Watching 'soaps'
- Playing shooting games (xbox/ps)
- Flirting
- Masturbation
- Lusting after some honeyz
- Walking into a beautiful religious building/church/temple/mosque
- Accepting literature from a householder
- Watching a tv nature program that mentions evolution
- Having an interest in politics
- Daring to make their own medical desicion
The fact that your brain processes such activities and induces fear as a response, unlike all other non indoctrinated humans, means the hardwiring has been changed in your brain. Although culture and upbringing can do this too, you have to question the authority of the people doing it to you, something ironicaly frowned upon. Stating doubt at the authority of WT after baptism, even if baptised as a child, results in the most severest of punishments... cutting off from all other members. That's how I ended up here!
What is the key to brainwashing? Start when they are young.... induce fear and a reinfocment of loyalty for the person/organisation and a humility to its authority. Punishment is essential even from an early age if the authority is ever questioned i.e. rules, doctrines, beliefs.
Oh yeah and the donkey needs a carrot, so amazing things will be gifted the loyal... note there is NO evidence of these gifts...ressurection, life after death, living forever, perfect health, forever young, an end to life's dificulties. Note that these will come at a later, yet unseen time, like a man promising a prize behind a curtain you can never see or question, it is yours as long as you give him your life some of your finances and your unquestionable loyalty.
It also helps to remove any outside influences so that this behaviour appears totally normal as everyone around you will believe the same things, though in reality even with the indoctrination these actions will feel embarassing amongst the undoctrinated, you know you are different. To reduce this, family and organisation unity and association is essential....
I have no doubt I was brainwashed and indocrinated.... think twice before you program our child's brain to the opinions of 8 men in Brooklyn whom you have never met.
Snare x