A one sentence reply that could jolt a JW
by HBH 60 Replies latest jw friends
"Your grandparents weren't supposed to grow old in this system of things."
Will you and all the people you know die in this system, have
you thought about that? Have you made plans in case you grow
old? My JW family did not and now they are old.
God's Word is Truth DC:
Paraphrase: ' Some do not believe that the END will come in their lifetime. They have been overtaken by Satanic propaganda!'
DD: Do you believe this statement?
JW: Yes
DD: If YOU do not belive that the End will come in YOUR lifetime, you have been overreached by Satan?
JW: Yes
DD: Who's lifetime are we talking about? Mine? Sister Spinster @ 87yrs?! New born dubbie baby? Sister 20 something pioneer? If Sister Spinster believes she will die in six months, what then? Has she succumbed to Satanic thinking? What if she dies tomorrow?
JW: ..............
Island Man
This could be a good way to get JWs thinking about how unreasonably strict they are in refusing life-saving blood transfusions:
First, you point out to them that in ancient Israel, sabbath observance was a very strict matter, punishable by death. I would site the example of the Moses-era Israelite who was stoned to death for picking up wood on the sabbath. I would also mention that the law even went so far as to forbid lighting a fire in your house on the sabbath day. (Exodus 35:3)
I would then ask them for their opnion on why the pharisees might have reasoned that it was wrong for Jesus to perfrom miracles on the sabbath. [Undoubtedly they would say that the pharisees regarded performing a miracle as a kind of work and the law stated that no work should be done on the sabbath]
Then you could ask them if they think the pharisees' reasoning was acceptable under the circumstances. [They would no doubt answer 'no', because the bible says Jesus was incensed at the insensibility of their hearts] When they answer no, ask them why (if they haven't already given a reason)
Then once they've correctly reasoned on the errors and insensibilities of the pharisees on the sabbath issue, even preferring someone suffer in their illness rather than be healed on the sabbath, you then ask them how the pharisees' reasoning on the sabbath issue is different to the organization's reasoning on the blood issue. Ask them why the same reasoning used to refute the pharisees' extremist and unreasonable interpretation of the sabbath law can't be used by others to refute JWs' interpretation of the abstain from blood doctrine, applying it to life-saving blood transfusions.
A simpler alternative could be to read that passage in the gospels where Jesus points to David and his men eating the showbread and remaining uncondemned even though Jesus himself explicitly says it was something not lawful to do. Then mention Jesus words about God wanting mercy and not sacrifice. Ask them to explain what that means and why it was ok for David to break the law under those circumstances and remain uncondemned. Then after they have explained themselves, ask them why their same explanation and reasoning can't be applied to accepting a life-saving blood transfusion.
"Will you promise that the WTBTS will never change a doctrine from this point forward?" They will have to answer a resounding "No, I can't do that" to that question.
Then come back with " Then you are admitting that some of the things you believe, right now "could" be wrong, beliefs that you use to make life and death decisions could in fact be wrong. You could lose your life or the life of your child due to blindly following faulty beliefs"
If they admit that "truth" can change again, then they must have private beliefs or doubts. Time to whip out the the 80's BOE letter and show then that they are apostates. I imagine many would walk away. They don't want to say either "yes", or "no." A dub who thinks they are sharp may try to debate the issue.
Great stuff, I like the idea of "one shot" that can get the deer in the headlights.
"Ah yes, Jehovah's Witnesses? You believe that your governing body are the earthly representatives of Jesus right? His channel?"
"And since the late 1800s you have a proud history of warning people about 'the end' by giving dates and reminding them about the imminence of Armageddon?"
"Excellent, since you were kind enough to come to my door, and I just happen to have my bible here, let's read Luke 21:8"
"He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them."
"Tell me, how does this not apply to your organisation?"
Oh...You're the ones that believe that a loving god is going to slaughter everyone who is not an active, dedicated and baptised JW.
(in my best Dr Evil voice) Riiiiight.