7 things we probably should not stop thinking about

by Terry 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • watson

    Interesting thought!

  • Timothy53

    Well here is a Number 8 for the group. What is it that the GB doesn't do that any other classic cult does to control its members?

  • Sayswho

    Thanks...Terry. Food for thought!


  • Sayswho

    Timothy53... 3 ways, they Provide, shelter, food, clothing for their members.


  • TerryWalstrom

    Back. . . WAY back in 1840. . .

    a minister named Skinner, known to be a prudent man of sober intellect, was approached to speak out in response, and rebuttal.

    Against what or whom, you ask?

    Against a theory offered by a war hero named William Miller who was advancing the idea--with 'proofs' from Scripture, that the world would come to its end when the second advent of Christ arrived in 1843.

    What Skinner wrote was remarkable.

    It was also very much a PRE-ECHO of warning for the much later nonsense published and spread all over planet Earth by the Watchtower Society from circa 1968-1975.

    " History informs us, that many have risen

    up in different ages, who have advocated the immediate

    destruction of the world. And all these '

    have had their followers; all these have deluded

    many. In some cases, people have been so affected,

    as to forsake their business, abandon their

    several employments, and leave their families unprovided

    with the necessaries of life. In others,

    they have sold their possessions, and given up all

    to tho church; hoping, thereby, to secure the salvation

    of their souls. Hence, it would be no new

    thing, if some who receive this theory should forsake

    their employments, abandon their houses and

    and give themselves up to excitement and

    fear; to what they would call a preparation for

    the great calamity or judgment they suppose is so

    soon to come. "

    You can read Skinner's entire statement here:


  • TTATTelder

    Wow history definitely repeats itself! Humans will be humans.

    Thanks for the reference...


  • Phizzy
    From page one of this thread , Terry said :  
    a year ago

    "4. Give me an example of a Watchtower teaching that is unique to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society that is demonstrably TRUE.

    It is a strikingly simple CHALLENGE question which any JW should not have to struggle to answer. And yet--they cannot reply.

    There is no unique and demonstrably true Jehovah's Witness teaching."

    I would add that such a teaching would need to be in existence in 1919 for Jesus to choose them, and of course would still be taught now.

    Jehovah's Witnesses reading this please note :

    THERE IS NO SUCH TEACHING. !!!!!!!!!!!

    Where does that leave you and your "truth" ??????

  • JamesThomas

    Actually, if we stop THINKING about anything, and just be silently present with the reality and beauty of life in and around us, the world would be way friendlier. Or better yet, lets all get anxious and think our way into the nut-house with Terry. Think of the parties we could have.

    The fork in the road is always just right here below our feet.

  • TerryWalstrom

    The macadamias are delicious, JT!

  • JamesThomas

    For me, eating nuts is a form of cannibalism.

    Alone with a cold beer and a bowl of nuts = a pleasant family get-together.

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