Welcome to the MADHOUSE! The incredible rot of Watch Tower folly!

by Terry 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • braincleaned

    Great post!

  • stillin

    One definition of insanity is "extreme folly or unreasonableness."

    but then, if you aren't "all in" your religion why bother? I don't get how some of the people here have just migrated to another faith-based system after leaving the WT. Maybe they are afraid that they are throwing out the baby with the wash water.

    hard to tell.

  • Terry

    Our "navigator" inside our head is the same navigator that got us INSIDE the Watch Tower religion, and we

    take it with us when we leave.

    Just because part of our mind is free it doesn't mean the capacity to see clearly extends in all directions equally.

    It takes years and years to root out all the false concepts hidden inside folders in our brain.

    There is a "whisper campaign" behind our thinking and evaluating continuing after we've slammed the door on the Kingdom Hall

    and rubbed linament on that Jehovah-sized bootprint on our ass.

    What part of us is making these judgments about "true and false" and "right and wrong"?

    Why, it's the faulty JW software app STILL RUNNING in our head, that's what.

    Here is a test question which might flush out any Watchtowerisms running background inside your brain pan.

    Q: If the scriptures did not exist, how would any religious group claim authority to interpret proper worship?

    How you go about answering that will say alot about your hidden concepts.

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