Tonight i had a great talk with my brother

by DS211 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • DS211

    Today my wife went to the arsembly and i had to work. My brother took me and picked me up. Today at work i felt overwhelmed and hoped and prayed for an opportunity to come up so i could vent. On the ride home my brother asked how i was. Welp, out spilled the beans. I told him how i hav doubts and now i know dirty secrets of the WT and how its a cult. He said "honestly, i have been worried about you for some time". He then explained to me how he felt i was kind of shunning the family for a bit and then he said something that confirmed all ive learned from steve Hassans book. I asked him if id been different. He told me that it was like, when i first started studying my personality changed and i wasnt me anymore. He told me that i would kind of turn on and off...and when my wife and i were away from the WT or if i was over alone i was my old self. He said he wanted to talk to me for so long but did not havr it in him to upset my faith and beliefs. I was shocked really. He told me no matter what hes there for me and that i hvve a long road to pull my wife out. Oh and hes "worldly". We then discussed his beliefs and how he believes there is a god but that humans have the inordinate ability to control others, utilizing God as his source. I agreed. It was a good day all in all. Then i got the text from my wife that i missed some great counsel at todays assembly. My stomach turned.


  • whathappened

    Good for you and your brother. You now have support closel by.

  • DS211

    my brother is moving soon about 2.( hiurs away

  • Hortensia

    Even if he moves, keep in touch with your brother. He'll be a safe person for venting your feelings and ideas.

  • adamah

    That's great news, DS211, and a good lesson to others to re-establlish connections and friendships with non-JW family members and outsiders wherever practical and possible, BEFORE spilling the beans to those still in.


  • problemaddict

    Fantastic news. One of the first steps to being truely free is o realize those that really love and care for you, do not have the conditions set upon them the local branches try to enforce on card carrying memebers. Your brother is your brother no matter what........the way it should be.

  • smiddy

    Thats good news .You have a good relationship with your brother and can encourage each other .Well done.Just tread very carefully with your wife , just a small seed planted every so often , dont push her . ( using WT stratedgy ) " From little things big things grow "


  • Junebuggie

    I am glad that you didn't get to go to the assembly...for someone who is thingking about leaving the borg. attending meetings/assembly's can be tuff to do. Tread carefully as "smiddy" said. One thing a JW does when they think they are being attacked verbally about their belief, is to get defensive. I know I did..I was jw, he was not. Plant seeds of doubt from time to time. Others did that for me, and on the sly i was researching and reflecting on those seeds of doubt. It was a long road, but I am out, I hope everything works out for you.

  • braincleaned

    What a better day to spend your day than going on the usual guilt-trip assemblies. Happy for you.

  • Oubliette

    That's fantastic. It sounds like your brother is a good guy!

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