Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
by compound complex 16 Replies latest jw friends
I thought some kingdom songs were bad.
rip van winkle
CoCo, what country are you in?????
I tried to play but receive the message:
" This video is not available in your country."
Well, the JW's do need to realize that the name Jehovah does not belong to them nor are they the only ones to use it.
They won't like this will they.
Go Men Aloud!
compound complex
It has passion, a quality lacking in many Kingdom Melodies.
compound complex
Thanks, erbie! Spot on.
Rip: Google Only Men Aloud/then song title.
Agreed, these guys are great.
I turned down an invitation to join a choir but now I'm thinking that maybe I should have accepted.
We could have sung this one!
compound complex
Join, erbie, JOIN!
I regularly attend our magnificent local concert choir programs. And where do they perform? What buildings tend to have the best acoustics?!?!?! You got it!
Thanks for posting!
CoCo Chanteur
Thanks C.C.
Another example of christendom using the name jehovah which witnesses like to claim for themselves .
The fact is their are many, many,christian organizations that use the name jehovah in their worship especiallyy in song.
Look up "jehovah is he " u-tube i`m sorry I cant do it , but their are scores of religous groups who sing this song from all over the world .
And some are very catchy
That's a well known hymn.
And, it's often sung in a moving way, as clearly the writer was moved when writing.