Did Jehovah's Witnesses Plagiarize HWA's False Prophecy Of 1975?
Did Jehovah's Witnesses Plagiarize HWA's False Prophecy Of 1975?
by Bangalore 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
I use to worship Fred Franz as a child, I was always told that he had a photgraphic memory, was fluent in over 10 languages, gave all of his talks without notes, was legally blind, and had the entire Bible memorized from cover to cover.
Now that I've learned TTATT, I consideer him just another celibate by choice religious nut job without a brain in his head. I can remember Witnesses speaking favorably of "The Plain Truth" magazine when I was a boy. His borrowing from other idiots would not be a surprise and probably happened.
They did not plagiarize any false prophecy....Herbert W. Armstrong taught that the world will COME to an end in 1975. On the other, hand, the WT publications taught that 6,000 years of man's existance will be completed in 1975, based on the accepted year of 4026 BC as the year of man's creation. Whether or not 1975 correspended with the Jubilee of God's rest was unknown. Several times in the WT publicationsiy was stated in clear language that no man can say for sure. The publications, for instance, mentioned it is not known when Eve was created, and it may have been years after Adam was created, and the date when the first sin occurred is also not known. So the implication was, as far as I can see, that the end was unknown, and most likely NOT come in 1975. Although, one WT publication SPECULATED, that it MAY not be far off from 1975. However, a lot of stress was put on Jesus words "that no man knows the hour", although the sign of the times indicated it was near. The WT never stated the end WILL come in 1975, not even the book used to introduce potential new Christians to bhe basic bible truth mention it. The book the The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life only quoted Jesus' words that "no man knows the hour" when the end of the age would come. That is one reason why the vast majority of those associated with the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses did not believe the end was coming in 1975, although, based on Bible prophecy, they believed, and still believe, we are now living in the last days. So Unlike Armstrong who taught the END WILL come in 1975, the WT publications and associated Christians never made a predication that END WILL come that year.
Band on the Run
I vividly recall Freddie Franz' 1975 analysis at Yankee Stadium when I was in my teens. It embarassed me. Pure conjecture. It stirred up the Witnesses. We heard Armageddon would arrive in 1975. I can't recall a single Witness stating otherwise in a public setting. Everyone had 1975 fever. I was lost to rock and roll and the lovely world, an intellectual. There is NO way the Bethel authorities could fail to note the Witness view of 1975. Franz went on and on and on.
I slipped in my chair when he started with Eve's creation period. It is my recollection that her menstrual period became involved. Since I no longer believed, it was endless. I loved the world and expected it would stick around a bit longer than 1975.
If Bethel were so legalistic and qualified everything, what accounts for the 1975 fervor and the massive departurs from the Witnesses when nothing happened in 1975? Rather than qualilfying, the Society used it as bait to induce people to increased zealotry. Yet it was our fault for misundersrtanding? Franz or Knorr could have rectified the situation easily.
What a lot of bs.