Did anyone notice that the graph of publisher growth in the Jan 1st Watchtower has been deliberately "tweaked" to give the impression of higher growth in the period 2000 - 2010? I've tried to illustrate this by superimposing the actual graph line over the one from the Watchtower ( which is the narrower line in the graph.) The period up to 2000 exactly mirrors the actual figures but the artist has decided to edge up the last decade , for obvious reasons. According to my rather crude Excel spreadsheet they have roughly increased the figure at 2010 to 7.5 million publishers for graphical purposes rather than the reported 7.224 million.
Also , of course , by basing the graph on the reported numbers per decade ( 1970 / 80 / 90 etc ) they cover over the rapid pre-1975 growth and subsequent small decline in the late 70's.
Doubtless someone much more technical minded can do a better job of this , but at least it illustrates the point.