why using a tablet at the platform during the meeting?

by Gorbatchov 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ABibleStudent

    The more JWs who own tablets/smartphones the better. Tablets/smartphones are usually owned and used by one person. If no one else is looking at where one goes on the internet, more JWs will feel less fearful about visiting websites like JWN - may be even during meetings.

    The advantages for the WTBTS to encourage using tablets/smartphones are it may reduce printing costs in developed countries, it would allow the WTBTS to use streamling video for the GB to "Properly Feed" (indoctrinate) JWs more often, and if it discontinues its printing operations totally then the WTBTS can revise what it writes instantaneously and there is less likelyhood that JWs will notice. I wonder if the Warwich complex as a video studio to feed the flock.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • emeth

    @Abible Student It has nothing to do with printing costs. Also printing operations will not be discontinued. As a matter a fact in the next year (2014) the number of languages of printed literature will go up from 600 to about 1000 languages. And JW's have more than one video/audio studio already.

  • The Quiet One
  • Simon

    At some point in the future we may reach a place where having books of any kind is an anomaly that would look odd. We're not there yet but at what point do you start to make changes?

    Having electronic information means people have a view on the world that they don't get from looking at a WatchTower alone which can only be a good thing.

    Assuming they don't release "WTS Lockdown v1.0 - Protect Your Mind edition (tm)"

  • braincleaned

    I agree... the more open to the net the JWs are, the better the chances of discovering the manipulations of the WTS.
    Many here have already admitted reading apostate material while at meetings! LOL!

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