About my Coming Out...

by braincleaned 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • braincleaned

    Since my coming out publicly, I have received a lot of kind words.

    I wanted to thank all of you from the depth of my heart.

    On the other hand, I need to make two things clear:

    — I'm often encouraged to use my position to create cartoons or stories for Nickelodeon, etc…

    I do not have that kind of fire-power. Plus, Nickelodeon is in the business of entertaining kids; religion and politics are out of the question. These publishers are my clients. The WTS did a good job of making the subject of JWs something repulsive… so I do all I can with what I have to help those who wake up. I'm also working on ideas for children.

    However, I have been inboxed and insulted that I'm not doing enough, or that I won't put my career in jeopardy.

    I am aghast!

    Which brings me to my second point:

    — I do NOT have to apologize for supporting my friends at AAWA, nor supporting Cedars.

    I have opened my heart here, and I have already been dragged in the mud.

    I will not be treated by my own exJWs like I was treated by the Borg.

    I will have the decency to not promote anything from AAWA, since obviously there is a problem.

    But I have freed myself from the bigotry of a religion/cult — and I get very sensitive when I see it anywhere else.

    I hope I can stay here, uncensored, as I will not talk about this again.

  • Ruby456

    braincleaned - of course you can stay here uncensored. just remember some of us need to make our way through every bitter battle of the 19th and early 20th century before we can let go of our demons.

  • braincleaned

    Of course... and that is not my issue. My issue is how I'm being treated about my affiliations.

    We all need to do things in out time. Of course.

  • Emery

    Going a little off topic here but as a fellow artist, awesome work!

  • braincleaned

    Thanks! :wink:

  • KateWild

    I would love to come out, I just dont feel upto it yet

    Kate xx

  • Oubliette

    BC: I have freed myself from the bigotry of a religion/cult — and I get very sensitive when I see it anywhere else.

    As you should.

    A suggestion, direct your ire to those that cause it or ignore them.

    Keep up the good work.

  • Simon

    However, I have been inboxed and insulted that I'm not doing enough, or that I won't put my career in jeopardy.

    Yes, don't let anyone tell you that you are not doing enough or need to sacrifice something. I'd also recommend keeping exJW and personal life separate as much as possible.

    — I do NOT have to apologize for supporting my friends at AAWA, nor supporting Cedars.

    I have opened my heart here, and I have already been dragged in the mud.

    I will not be treated by my own exJWs like I was treated by the Borg.

    I will have the decency to not promote anything from AAWA, since obviously there is a problem.

    Everyone is completely free to support AAWA and Cedars or anyone else as they chose, despite some people's claims, no one is censored for following a cause or group. We are all about having freedom.

    The only thing I've objected to is having insults thrown at the forum and it's members by people who then sneak on to promote their work without being honest about who they are (that is not directed at you BTW!) and also issues from elsewhere derailing the forum and causing bad feeling.

  • suavojr

    Some ex-jw's are still flusshing away old bad habits. Keep up the good work and although the JW's forms part of your past, the best thing to do is to show them we can live happy without them. Now they simply become a form of entertainment.

  • suavojr

    Also, everyone needs to remember that we are not master's of anyone


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