He is going I am sure of it,
It must be the truth ....emotional blackmail, fear of punishment and a "get on your knees and beg for forgivness from a window cleaner/car salesman/painter /joiner/ office worker.... cult elder!" Wow I miss that sh*t...... not.
It appears there are MAYBE hypocrite elders, cowardly reading the threads and posts and reporting people they recognise. It may be a good sign, that there are SO many elders reading this site, it is sufficient that people are recognising people locally.
Either way, goodby slimboyfat and F**K YOU to the cowardly cult policeman that wouldn't leave him be, despite him making a stand braver than you obviously could or would. Just because your North Korean life of unquestioned loyalty to a book publishing company is crap, you feel the need to make sure other people aren't getting away with an easier life hey...... scum bag. Rather force a man to return to a cult that you have to slave for than let him go live his life. Where the hell do you get off telling other people what to do with their life? Remember the moment you snitched, you grassed, you squealed on SBF? How were you feeling? Were you in deep sorrow and hope that you could help and save his life by talking to him and helping him back? Or were you elbow deep in lip-smacking ego and self adoration, "yes I have found someone I recognise, this could be interesting", having the audacity to piss on somebody else's life for your own personal satisfaction of reinforcing you role and authority to yourself and SBF as an elder..... a man chosen on his loyalty and time card, not abilities or heart. Wow, aren't you doing well in life's race? No... maybe fiddling in someones life you feel superior to will make you feel better...... One day you will see the sham publishing company, property portfolio developers and stock investers you worked so loyally for, in their true light, you will look at yourself, an insignificant man in very big world and think of the lives you felt qualified to intefere with, despite your lack of ability, heart (evident by taking on the role and keeping it) and qualifications. You will think of the names and faces of peoples lives you impacted on in a huge way, in a VERY NEGATIVE way. These memories will be like a thick black tar like gloop that you will one day strain to wash away from your limbs, for your consciences sake. But you will be neck high by then and so convincing yourself you did the right thing will just have to do..... I wonder if the 8 men in Brooklyn you do all this for yet can't even name will ever care you existed, nevermind what you did for them? After 25 years as a JW I never met one shepherd, I met countless enforcers, judge, jurors and executioners.... nothing at all to be proud of.
Enjoy playing a big fish in a small pond elder boy! Human assigned authority and cults are temporary.... your conscience is not..
P.s. you can give it all up and be a decent human being..... there is redemption for all that sincerely seek it, the sincerity is the only pre-requisite!
P.s.s Cofty.... I know, but I realised what would happen had I left it be..... the exact thing I was trying to prevent! x