I have a ton of secret watchtower info stored on my tablet. Is there any way with my tablet locked with a password, can someone do a factory reset on it so I lose all my pdf files? The BOE at hubbys hall are aware I am in possession of secret crap from the watchtower. This is now the only password that my hubby does not have. I am afraid he may take it to the elders if requested to. I try and keep it with me at all times howevera few times I have forgotten it while hubby is at home and I am shopping or something else. Is there anything else I can do to protect my files?
How can I protect all the secret watchtower books and elder letters on my tablet?
by KariOtt 20 Replies latest jw friends
Save the files to the cloud
cantleave... I have no idea what the cloud is. I consider myself technology challanged. I haven't figured out how to cut and paste on this thing yet. I've had it 2 years. I have an Acer Iconia Tab. Can you help me? I'll need very detailed instructions.
There is probably about 50 different ways of doing this. But here is a simple one.
1 - go to www.dropbox.com and create an account
2 - using your computer login to that account and upload all of those files
3 - Using your IPAD go to the app store and download the dropbox app
4 - Using your IPAD open the dropbox app and log in and see the files
Even if someone can log into your IPAD they wont have access to the drobox account unless they log in there. That is two layers of protection. If someone restores your IPAD, you just have to download the APP again and login.
Separation of Powers
Ditto- DROPBOX, easy to use and password protected if you choose.
That sounds like the most logical approach to secure those files that you want to keep perfectly private.
Any file that you think might become objective to your twit of a husband, just keep on a public server like Drop box
or google cloud, once they are of course remember to remove those files from your Tablet.
What an absurdity though having to hide information because it endangers some men's power and control.
Hi KariOtt, DITTO use dropbox by clicking on the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/. You can password protect the information and send links to other people to share the information with them.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Good general rule: if you don't know how to protect yourself on the technology you are using, then don't use that technology. LOL.
Having the long game in mind, I took the opposite approach with my JW husband. I have now become the trusted source for materials hubby can't get through normal channels. I let him know what releases are coming up at the next convention, and I give him the answer key to the TMS review. He gets the KM at the same time as the elders, so now has a leg up on which book will be studied next. He won't breathe a word, of course.
I make sure he knows that all these benefits are thanks to the hard work of apostates everywhere.
Witness My Fury
I use this in Windows OS: https://code.google.com/p/lock-a-folder/
probably something similar for Ipads etc:
Edit; yours is android OS by the looks of it, so try these: