We are going out of business! ( I wish....)
New announcement at this weeks midweek meeting?
by rosyray 33 Replies latest jw friends
I'm trying to sit here & think of the most ridiculous thing but believe it or not...nothing... When they say they have a big annoucement...you get all excited and the next thing you know....it's a pen that says....Jehovah's Kingdom..
But here of lately they have had some doosies...I noticed they removed John 8: 1-11 out of the revised bible..wonder why ? I know, because you could use that as a defense if you get DF'd...even though I heard it's not in the original bible or scrolls or whatever..But I think it's a good scripture to keep in because it tells you not to be too quick to judge....bet ya, the Elders voted to take it out. For folks on here that don't know John 8:1-11, it's about a woman caught in adultery, the towns folks bring her to Jesus to punish her, Jesus says if anyone of you are without sin, cast the first stone...not a peep..he draws in the sand, wonder why he did that, was he thinking or trying to get his composure..then told the lady go home...& behave...no disfellowshiping, no shunning, could still talk to her family & friends & no announcement from the town square...Don't talk to this woman, she is no longer a.....
Come to think of it, the best news they could give is NO MORE DF'ING...will never happen..I have my meeting tonight, will share if it's nationwide...
I still think it's a pen that says "God's Kingdom"
There will be a special day of cleanup at the kingdom hall, all are encouraged to support the arrangement.
There were several WT letters read. (All of which have been made available here.)
1. Electronic Tablet use at the meetings.
2. 2014 International Conventions
3. Adjustments to the Pioneer Service School (6 days instead of 2 weeks).
Oh, and there is the increasing use of the terms "faithful slave" and "governing body," all the while they telling everyone else to not bring attention to themselves, but rather, be honoring God.
That was about it.
"I need my Governing Body Slave Masters to honor jehovah!"
We can use tablets? Truely the most progressive organization in the world!!!
Google glass however will be a disfellowshipping offense.
JW GoneBad
Like soo many who have commented, I also remember the DC talk a couple years back that discouraged all from wasting precious time and money on smart phones and other such devices. I also remember the speaker mentioning the many dangers associated with them.
About the seemingly turnaround on using tablets...
The WTS/JWs is a reactionary organization anymore. Or has been for the last 50 some years. In the early days of Russell and even Rutherford, they were progressive. Using motion pictures, radio, phonographs, all new and modern technology. But along the way it was decided since Jesus didn't lug around a phonograph player, then Jah's people shouldn't either.
Even through the 70s, the printing was cutting edge... but that was because you had free labor in the printing rooms all the way down to the street hawkers. They could afford it.
But as the computer age exploded and the Internet and personal computers, PDAs, then smartphones, tablets, became everyday tools, the WTS grew afraid of this information superhighway at one's fingertips. They sought to demonize it and scare people away from it. But when even their senior citizens have to rely on the Internet to do their jobs, or run their households, they can't beat it. They had to come around and embrace it. And I think they finally learned that by harping on it, it only encouraged people to defy them. So they did a turnabout, started working on how to use the technology, and hoping to keep fear in the sheeple to only use that WT app on their iPhone, and not go out googling JWs and finding JWfacts.com
JW GoneBad
IMO, WT has just opened 'Pandora's Box' so to speak by giving their formal consent for tablets to be used from the platform.
Its' going to be a case of monkey see monkey do! Especially will the youth be more inclined to take liberties with modern technology that will create a great deal of hastle for the GB, WT, parents, elders, COs, DOs and the like.