January 2014 Awake

by wisdomfrombelow 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wisdomfrombelow

    Anyone know why it is taking so long for it to be put on on jw.org? It supposedly highlights the jw.org website so is there a special campaign or something? I would have expected it to be there already since both editions of the Watchtower have been there for a while.

  • fredPotato

    Not sure why, but if you want a quick way of finding out when it is out just bookmark this link:


    it will list the download links for the magazine as soon as it's available (you still have to refresh the page).

  • suavojr


    that link simply stays idle... Am I doing something wrong?

  • fredPotato

    It will stay idle as long as the magazine isn't out... When it is out the link will list the download links for the magazine.. It's a shortcut!

    btw: if you change the URL arguments, you can get any of the release magazines. ie: http://www.jw.org/download/?issue=201401&output=html&pub=w&fileformat=PDF&alllangs=1&langwritten=DE&txtCMSLang=E&isBible=0 fetches the download links for the study edition of the 1st january watchtower of 2014

  • suavojr

    Nice! Thanks for the explanation

  • wisdomfrombelow

    The magazine is there now. No idea why it took so long to post it after the watchtower.

  • pixel

    Are they serious?? jw.org on the cover? Lol. Over 644 million websites and they think there's is the best?? Lol. Sure!

  • factfinder

    It shows the issue but when I try to download the pdf version it says there is a problem with the files, try again later.

    Anyone else having that problem?

  • pixel

    I do.

  • emeth

    @pixel indeed 644 milion websites on the www... and JW.ORG is already a year (since dec 2012) ranked somewhere in the top 2000 of most visited sites on earth ,... at certain point they were even around the 1400/1600/1800 position.

    if you compare that with any other church or religious site none (besides the mormons) of them even come close (for example the site of the vatican with 1.2 billion catholics is ranked only in the top 10.000 till 40,000. The only site that topped the witnesses was the bible itself at biblegateway.com

    to check traffic yourself visit www.alexa.com or www.statscrop.com

    Few years ago JW.org and Watchtower.org were also ranked 20,000 to 40,000 so they must be doing something right since september 2012.

    For all those who are interested here is the web version of the Jan 2014 awake about JW.org


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