P.S. I hope you update us on what you get (maybe with a pic). It will be fun to learn what you wind up buying.
Mac Book Pro with Retina or Dell XPS 15? (both with new Haswell processors)
by Simon 70 Replies latest jw friends
Once you get used to the pad you won't ever want to use a silly button one again! I know sounds crazy but it's true. It actually is better for me. Get the Magic Mouse. It's awesome. Surfing the web is amazing on it. Swipe left to go back. Double tap to zoom. Works so nicely.
The thing that freaked me out the most was the track pad. So I bought a super expensive apple wireless bluetooth mouse to go with. After a day, I never touched the mouse again. There's nothing easier than the track pad. I thought there was no way possible that I would or could use it. That mouse sure was a waste of money.
Mac with Parallels + MS whatever - best of both worlds...
mind blown
Macbook Pro....hands down! I have a 15" and it's perfect for movie viewing. 13" is better if you travel a lot.
Love mine and had it for years. I will NEVER go back to a PC. Just recently had it's opperating system updated after many years of awesome use
I wouldn't bother with Macbook "Air".... The body is not durable. You may as well buy a notebook.
I'm jumping in late here, but there is no way I would consider Windows. I have used Windows laptops at work for 15 years, and Macs at home for the last 4. Each time I jump on the Mac I still get a buzz out of how good it is, and I curse every day I start the Dell.
I have a 13" Mac pro retina. Almost every aspect is just that much superior to Windows, and the retina display is fantastic after looking at a normal display. When I use the Mac for non retina programs like Excel I am shocked that I every put up with such pixelation. There are a few things that take time to get used to on a Mac, but with a Google search it only takes a few minutes to find the best programs and ways to do things.
The track pad is light years beyond anything you can get with Windows. With my 2 yo Dell/Windows 7 I cannot even scroll without cursing, with the Mac touchpad scrolling and swiping and all the other things it does is amazing.
Just a quick update ...
Being the uber-decision maker that I am (not) I'm erm ... still deciding
Actually, I have decided that the future lies on Linux or more specifically, Chrome OS.
Yeah, a Mac Book Pro would be nice but I'd rather 'risk' something cheaper first to see if it is good enough before blowing closer to $3k
The new Acer C720 chromebooks are pretty slick - $199 buys you a Mac Book Air like device with SSD and fast chrome-based OS running on Intel silicon with 2gb RAM. Yeah, it's not exactly a Mac Book Air spec-wise but it's 1/5th of the price and light and fast.
It can load Linux-proper for dev tools but there are more and more web-based IDE's coming out and working on the cloud means I don't need a full OS installed. The thing I most want to cut down on is all the sys-admin work which is a time-drain.
The only thing I can't seem to do with the Chromebook is actually BUY ONE in Canadia !!
Anyway, Chromebooks seem to already be the next big thing - they accounted for something like 20% of sales in 2013 and CES should see lots of new models coming out from other manufacturers which I'm sure will include larger-than-11" variations.
I think the manufacturers like it because it doesn't need a Windows License (ChromseOS is free for the manufacturer) and an inexpensive machine runs pretty fast (talking about the Haswell based ones) compared to a cheap Windows laptop which is normally like a dog. Also, people seem to want to actually buy them compared to Windows PCs which are tanking. Lots of schools and businesses are buying into Chromebooks which will probably drive more demand for home use too.
Simon I think of you as being an Uber tech guy so I'm surprised you would even consider something by Acer, unless they've totally upgraded and improved, I've always thought of Acer as being the KMart of computers.
Yes, they are a low-price brand but the chromebook looks decent. The next Consumer Electronics Show happening in a few weeks should have others made by Asus, Fujitsu and Dell has just launched one. I know HP already has them but I will NEVER buy anything made by that scum-bad company ever again.
I like Asus - maybe a detatchable like the transformer would be nice although I'd prefer a larger screen - 13"
J. Hofer
my main workhorse is a macbook pro 15" pre-retina, but with upgraded screen. osx is great, because it's got unix under the hood, so people like me who spend most of the time in a terminal feel comfortable. i use linux on servers, used it for quite a while on desktops as well (mostly debian/ubuntu based distros). and i'm not religious about it, using windows 7 and 8 on some computers for different projects too.
you can't go wrong either way. dell xps are nice, asus is nice, i'll throw in samsung as well. macs are considered too expensive by many, but once you got one, you know it's worth every penny.