Hope this isnt a repost. I tried to search a little but didn't see this anywhere. Does anybody know where the Philadelphia region of witnesses are going to be sent to this year? Look at the amount of money Reading is losing now. It's kind of sad.
No Reading,PA conventions this year
by jdubsnub 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
The 2014-15 series of JW conventions will be large-size International conventions, similar to the ones they've had in the past (I remember such in 1969, 1973 and 1978). They concentrate more delegates into fewer cities, which will make travel necessary for more JW's.
It's just a thing they do in certain years. I'm sure that in 2015 they'll go back to smaller venues like Reading, PA and Rochester, MN.
The WT Society only has announced foreign locations so far. I'm sure they'll announce the North American locations in January.
Barrold Bonds
gopher, they just read a letter that says the opposite. There's going to be a few international conventions in the US but most of the JW's in the US will be going to regular non-international conventions.
the size of the venue varies year by year.
Honestly, Reading, PA SUCKS for a convention... sorry PA people, but it's the truth.
So does Richmond, VA... old and just gross
The best site for a convention-- Wilkes-Barre, PA. The arena is clean and modern. That was a HUGE arena, too-- lots of JWs everywhere
I went to Reading one year for the convention. I found the venue rather dark and the seats had a bar in the back,worst seats at a convention and that says a lot,lol.
Well,that being said,I haven't been to a convention in three,four years.
Barrold Bonds
Most venues just plain suck for a convention. Most arena type places are built for sporting events that are like 3 hours max. You get up and get a pretzel, get a beer, take a piss. Sit down, stand up and cheer. They're aren't made for sitting in 4 hour stretches listening to boring old fucks talk.
I'm guessing it has to be either Citizens bank or Lincoln Financial arenas.
The article states:
In 2014 the Jehovah's Witnesses will replace the regional conventions with
international gatherings held in the U.S. The conventions will take place in NFL
stadiums that can seat 60,000 to 80,000, much more than Santander Arena's
capacity of about 9,000.
That's according to local officials, who said
Friday it will just be a one-year change, with the mid-Atlantic conventions set
to return in 2015 and beyond.That's quite a positive article for the JW's.
Reading is so financially broke, they even have to suck up to the JW's.
I'm from the Allentown area.
I guess we'll know for sure in January when the USA convention locations are announced.
So we've now been reassigned to the Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilkes-Barre. Makes no sense seeing that this arena seats no more than Trenton's Sun National Bank Center or Readings convention center that we usually are assigned to. Now we have a freaking 2 hour drive and it's going to be hell trying to find a hotel. I'll be ok if I decide to go, but it's absolutely ridiculous to expect the majority of my congregation, made up of elderly with low income, to make it up there. GB could care less though. So frustrating!
The Reading, PA Santander Arena and the Mohegan Sun Arena have about the same number of seats. This move seems more about potential cost savings for the WTS than international or regional conventions. I imagine that the Mohegan Sun Arena is newer and nicer.