Participating on Assembly Programs and meetings... the hypocritical things that go on

by confusedandalone 29 Replies latest social humour

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    Was it on my Blackberry I posted the speaker giving the talk about "Hiding Secret Sins" has confessed to the elders he was a pedophile. I was deleted because of my rage against the stupid elders repackaging a freak in to a Watchtower-Sanitized Good Elder, the part was "Confess your secret sins to your local elders". JWs were schooled by a elder who kept his "Secret Sins" hiddened until the Statue of Limitations expired, than he approached the BOE to explain "I did not enjoy molesting the children, I got no pleasure in it." the elder-body bought his story and and so did the Circuit Overseer who is now in line to be on the Governing Body. My brother's wife has never been the same, this elder is trying to get his position back by lobbying the Organization and Overseers. He is using the new BOE Letter Cedars posted online last year to show "Its been years since I molested children, give me another chance".

    The Watchtower offers you the gift of allowing friendly pedophiles to roam among your Assembly Halls and they make him look "righteous and whole" by giving him the main part. If average rank-and-file JWs knew the lies behind the demos given in the Kingdom Halls up to the District Assemblies, they are conditioned to believe a twisted reality of Romans 8:28


    Romans 8:28

    Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

    28 We know that all things work together [a] for the good [b] of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.

  • Londo111

    As a teen, I was told by the CO not to use the word "guys" during a part on the circuit assembly--otherwise it would stumbling older folks who would think about Guy Falkes who tried to blow up the British Parliament.

  • minimus

    I was in EVERY circuit assembly all my teenage years. When I was an elder, I had many parts. I often got the WT. summary which required me to just show up that day.

    What "privileges"!

  • confusedandalone

    "I was in EVERY circuit assembly all my teenage years. "

    I hated that teen that the whole circuit was in love with. Every circuit had atleast one. The guy that pioneered at 13 like some kind of idiot instead of having fun. Walking around like he was the bees knees. LOL

  • anonymouz

    As if Jesus and John the Baptist or the apostles were constantly at Jerusalem "fashion island" getting fringe extensions and fancy robes and sandals.

    There are a number of scriptures many JWs forget to read, because Bethel "forgets" to comment on this things in the WT Enquirer for the celebrity gig Bethel promotes by GB stardom:

    (James 2:1-4) My brothers, you are not holding the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, our glory, with acts of favoritism, are you? 2 For, if a man with gold rings on his fingers and in splendid clothing enters into a gathering of you, but a poor [man] in filthy clothing also enters, 3 yet you look with favor upon the one wearing the splendid clothing and say: “You take this seat here in a fine place,” and you say to the poor one: “You keep standing,” or: “Take that seat there under my footstool,” 4 you have class distinctions among yourselves and you have become judges rendering wicked decisions, is that not so?

    (Luke 17:10) So you, also, when you have done all the things assigned to you, say, ‘We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.’”

    "Good for nothing slave" is not good enough for the GB elites who do not do the things assigned to them anyways. Now like Jerusalem under the Pharisaic elites, JWs are also misled by similar limelight seeking critters at Bethel whose attitudes now infect the whole congregational "Inquisitional" atmosphere from the elder body on down the pyramid.

    Favoritism is based on visuals and quantifiable numbers that program the sheep with things common to secular businesses and corporations as material and performance focus, rather than actual spirituality. And the lack of the spirituality and obviously elitist leaders fueling the delusion is the reason why the JW "love of the greater number cooling off" has turned into a congregational iceberg as the actual materiality and auto-corruption belies the spiritual claims in a fashion explicitly defining what hypocrisy is.

    JWs today are like Israel of 780 BCE, or Jerusalem of 650 BCE or in Christ's time, the exact same snapshot of hypocritical blinded self-righteousness, promoted by the leaders, is now present in explicit form in the JW circus act and it's Bethel ringleader. And JWs are just as blind as classic Israel, if not more so even ignoring Israel's main example. It is all simply repeating exactly, but in new form, indicating a divine judgment is required (1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14), not a deliverance to "Princely" positions of power to also corrupt the 1000 year reign, as that carrot leads many elders expectations for power now and later as one of the driving delusions that guides Jehovah's witnesses in organized fashion today.

    It is plain as day to everyone but JWs. Repeating truth is stranger (Isa28:21) than JW repeated fiction. Everything else seems to also require a final repeat as well, including divine judgment first (1Pet4:17), upon the very JW organization supposedly the experts of these kinds of repeating prophetic patterns. Go figure...

  • anonymouz

    Just as a sidenote, me and a congregational "bad association" blew off firecrackers under the district convention center bleachers of an indoor venue by custodial access to that location. Before that caper we were shooting spit wads from the slots in the darkness under the bleachers at various JWs, boink, watching them bounce off the side of their hairdos. So my family never was one of the ones interviewed as a shining example. But at that time there were some pretty down to earth people in the congregation. I personally never got hurt or particularly abused as some have in the JW system. I do feel bad now for doing such a juvenile thing at an assembly. But then again I was a juvenile at the time.


    Well when they finally dragged us out from under the bleacbers smelling like cigarettes, of course the looks on the faces were glum, and the pal and I were simply escorted to the hall corridor to flee in a fast "walk of shame". I still feel those deserved looks of utter dissappointment. Atleast they were just "blackcats" little fiirecrakers, luckily we had no "M-80s" at the time.

  • steve2

    The OP made me feel guilty. I think my siblings, neices and nephews were favorites at assemblies because of our dear maternal grandfather's influence.

    My grandfather "worked things" behind the scenes so his grandchildren could be "slotted" into circuit and district convention programs at the last minute. We shone - he shone.

    I was 10 when my grandfather approached my parents and me at a District Assembly (as they were known in the early 1960s) and said we should be prepared to go on stage to answer questions about my successful rural magazine route. I felt sick with fear but also buzzed with excitement. I could hardly speak but my dear mother spoke on my behalf.

    I heard later that our last-minute segment went overtime and meant that some other brothers and sisters were unable to present their parts. I guess I was so caught up in my own role that I never gave the impact on others a second thought.

    Until now I hadn't given much thought to the obvious favoritism. But boy did it make me popular (my maternal grandfather was a scary guy - but he was the best!

  • losingit

    When I first came in I wanted to be the sister sitting by the donation box at the circuit and district assemblies Lol I thought it was such a great privilege! When i was NEVER chosen, I felt slighted hahaha what foolishness!! LOL

  • zeb

    I did the mike for a short while and bro junior perfect (see confusedandalone above) advised me later I should have a jacket on. It was summer. It was hot.

    and.. this thing with suits while sisters turn out in all manner of skimpy whimsys. Glad i left.

    On a cong 'social night' at local bowling alley. The brevity of sisters micro mini skirts was.. er.. revealing. As was their behaviour squealing and screaming out very loud they got a strike.

  • snare&racket

    I knew someone who's dad was one of the assigners for the DO, he blatantly gave all the jobs to his pals. They even had like interviews and chats with all the potential bro's but he always gave it to his mates.

    As for items, they are very coherced, be glad you got fropped I feel guilty about all my involvment now and I hope that I did not ever influence anyone or their life. I gave an experience and they crow barred the message they wanted out of it into it, they tell you how to walk, talk, dress, it is very much like a coporate conference or release. It is ALL about impression and style over substance.

    They didn't care if it was true i..e they even tinker with the stories etc, it is all about finding someone that has an experience that can be used which is in align with the talk outline and the theme they want to convey.

    When we went for practice, I only went once, I watched the DO and some guys from bethel I had not seen before, they were brutal! They were tearing up speakers in front of everyone, they were openly encouraging people to word things differently etc.

    As you said, one thing I remember well is the timing issue. Just like a company in the 1950's who wont hire you with a beard or if you are black or jewish lol, they want timing to be perfect.... again, the love, the message was second to apperance and co-ordination.

    Assembly speakers are chosen on their speaking ability not their knowledge, experiences, qualifiations or personage. The exception is the bethel speakers which were hit and miss.

    The whole thing was very rehersed, very clinical, very shallow, false and unsatisfying. For me it was anothe peak behind the curtain at Oz.

    Also there is little freedom in the talks, apart from adding an illustration or an example MAYBE, it is all written out for the speaker. Cult activity at its best!

    You have to give them points for rigid control! They also get all this out of everyone for free..... amazing really.

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