Shutdown, christening, Obamacare, AGM, phhht

by Hortensia 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    What I want to know is, what is your favorite kind of apple?

    Today I ate an Aurora, a variety I haven't seen before. Big yellow apple, sweet and crisp with a good apple flavor, but no tartness. Ordinarily I like Braeburn apples best, crisp sweet-tart taste. But the Aurora tasted just like the Golden Delicious apples used to taste, decades ago when you could get one from a vending machine at school for a dime. It was good, and took me down memory lane. I'll get some more next time I go to the grocery store.

    So what kind of apples do you like? How do you eat them? I like them peeled and sliced with a dab of peanut butter. I also like apple pie. I bought enough Braeburns for a pie, so that may be happening later on.

    In my frig I have two large drawers full of a red apples, identity unknown, picked from some local trees that are more than 100 years old. I'm making apple sauce out of them one of these days. If you've only ever eaten apple sauce from a grocery store, you have to taste home-made applesauce.

    I pour a half-gallon of fresh cider in a big pot, then I start peeling apples and cutting them up. I keep peeling and cutting apples until the pot is full and I can't get any more apples in it. Then I simmer it until the apples fall apart and become very soft. I add cinnamon and fresh lemon juice, whir the apples with my immersion blender, and give it a taste. Generally it doesn't need any sugar, as the cider is sweet. Cook it down a bit, and process it in jars in a water-bath canner.

  • ShirleyW

    Oh, apples . . now why didn't I think of that when I read the title of your post?

  • jgnat
  • Hortensia

    A new one -- I never heard of Eve apples before. A little joke there in the name, eh?

  • LisaRose

    I like Fuji, also Pink Lady. I have been eating a lot of Apple's lately, they are so fresh and good. What I most like in an Apple is crispness, I like Granny Smiths, even though they are a bit sour, I would rather have that than a sweet, but mushy Red Delicious.

  • Hortensia

    Red delicious apples aren't delicious at all. Yuck. There are so many better kinds of apples out there. I like Pink Lady and several others that are recent introductions to the grocery store. Pacific Rose, for instance.

  • designs

    Fuji apples yummmm.

  • Hortensia

    A nice apple dessert with a cookie topping

    Toss 1/2 cup sugar with 2 to 4 tablespoons of flour -- depending on how juicy your apples are.

    Peel and thinly slice two pounds of apples.

    Combine the apples with the sugar/flour and mix well. Add any seasonings you want, such as cinnamon, orange zest, lemon zest, lemon juice, a handful of raisins, or a handful of nuts. Put aside.

    Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Butter a baking dish, about 9 inches square. Set aside.

    1 cup flour
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    6 tablespoons cold butter, diced
    1/4 cup hot water

    Combine flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and butter in a mixing bowl. Mix with paddle blade (or process in food processor) until crumbly. Add water, quickly blend.

    Put the apples in the buttered baking pan. Put the cookie topping in globs over top. Bake 1/2 hour until top is browned and crispy. Depending on the apples, it might take 45 minutes. If the top is browning too quickly, cover it with foil.

    You can use peaches instead of apples, or maybe plums, or any kind of fruit you think will taste good in a fruit crisp like this.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Northern Spy, Honeycrisp... also love Courtland and Gala, for a sweet and tender apple. Golden delicious and even Reds are great in the middle of winter, after all the others have gone soft in storage.

    Here is a great way to eat fresh apples:

    1. Peel, core and slice a fresh apple.

    2. Sprinkle with a tiny bit of cinnamon sugar.

    Fresh apple pie, without the fat and gluten! It is really good. We also love peanut butter as dip. We live in Michigan, so we have lots and lots of apple choices. There aren't many apples we DON'T like here! :)

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Eating a Honeycrisp right now, party in my mouth.

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