Look at my beautiful mom!!!

by bluesapphire 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    Oh Mum Yadira,
    You are STUNNING!!!!

    Im am not an expert at all. I am so new to this.
    I think a pic of your own has to be sent to a website first and then accessed.

    Lilacs explaned it to me so well when I was new. I will post it here.


  • flower

    you are right your mom is beautiful. glad you got the picture to work. take care


  • COMF

    Mmmm, yummy! Those full lips! That tousled, wind-blown look! Ahh....

    Waste not your hour, nor in the vain pursuit
    Of this and that endeavor and dispute;
    Better be jocund with the fruitful grape
    Than sadden after none, or bitter, fruit.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Hurray! I was hoping your Mom's pic would post Blue.

    Indeed, worth the wait!

    Thanks Steph.


  • Solace

    Bad boy!
    I dont think this is that kind of thread.

  • expatbrit

    Definitely a bit of alright.


  • bluesapphire


    So now you all know why I am so proud of her. She is so beautiful. And she is so intelligent. Did I ever tell you that she taught herself how to speak English?

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Ay Dios mio! (how embarrasing!)

    Blue, are you OK? I am sooo proud of you also, I love you very much.

    O gosh! I don't know what to say to all of you! you are so kind! Love and kisses I guess!


  • LyinEyes

    Indeed,,, she is a beautiful soul. Love those cheekbones too. What struck me was the beautiful relationship the two of you have. There is hardly a stronger bond , than between mother and daughter. My daughter is just 9 yrs old and every year our bond grows stronger and stronger. She is my best friend , it is hard to describe the connection , but some how I feel you both know what I am talking about. What are some of your favorite things to do together? My daughter and I love to lay out in the sun together and listen to the radio. Thanks for sharing your beautiful mom with us. Wishing you both all the happiness in the world , hugs DD

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    (((Yadira and Blue))) you two seem to have a wonderful relationship, i hope neither of you ever take it for granted. i wish my mom and i could get our old relationship back, maybe someday, but after seeing you two i'll try harder!

    Yadira, you remind me of a lady i once knew. you're very pretty!

    let me dream inside you

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