by wakingup60 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • wakingup60

    So this is the situation..........Haven't been to meeting for the past 10 months....misssed DC as well as 2 day assemblies.

    I have woken up to the fact that the watchtower is not God's organization so their is absolutely no way Iam going

    to give the Elders any of my time. I have no desire to agree to a sherherding call!

    So they knocked on my door only because they are aware its my dayoff and my unbelieving husband is not at home.

    I was busy perming my hair so I accused them of not ringing first so they said they would ring before coming again!

    I just feel I should just tell them I dont wish to discuss any thing!.I am calling the shots not them!

    Did any one here experience a similiar situation?..How did you deal with it?.....( Haven't go tany family in the truth so I haven't got any thing to lose)

    AlsoI feel the need to go to Church!

    Thanks guys!


  • problemaddict

    Waking up. When they ring you, just tell them you are not able to meet with them. If they suggest another time, just tell them you will let them know. That is it. All done. Prob won't hear from them again.

    You most likely are avictim of a talk by a CO or a CO coming to visit. That is usually when this happens.

    Thats all you need to do. :)

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Tell them that 10 months is a long time for a shepherd to start looking for a lost sheep.

    Also, ask them if they are genuinely concerned about you or if they are simply expecting the Circuit Overseer's visit soon.

    That's a good way to keep them off your door step for a while.

  • factfinder

    I have the opposite situation! In the 8 years I have been away from meetings no elders have come by to see me or called.

  • whathappened

    You do not owe them anything. Tell them not to concern themselves with you anylonger and close the door or hang up, whichever the case may be.

  • snare&racket

    Waking up, well done!

    it is a huge realisation the day that you recognise, these random men from your local area have NO SAY and NO AUTHORITY and NO RIGHTS and NO QUALIFICATION to interfere with peoples lives as they do. Most of them are dumb fothermuckers too! A jw once told me how she was upset, the elders had been and had not given the best advice about a difficult personal situation in the cong..... Having left a few years I was quite straight forward "what does this elder do for a living?" I asked, "he is a painter and decorator.".....i looked at her and the 'penny dropped', why the hell would a painter and decorster know how to help her? It was a big moment for her, for so long JW's see the society and its enforcers (elders) as the source of wisdom, the oracles of the universe.... In reality they are just bloody muppets.

    Would you let a random window cleaner from your postcode into your house and tell you how to live? What if he had a d*ck head attitude too, thinking he was 'all that'? What if a cult appointed him with an authoritarian role? ....exactly......

    If i bumped into an elder now and they attempted to belittle me or tell me what they thought of my life or dared to question my decisions, I would politely tell them to 'f*ck right off' and to 'go suck a bag of d*cks.' But then, I'm a nice guy.... You may want to be a little more blunt....

  • ruderedhead

    wakingup, I was in the same place as you. I had no family in, so I just wrote a letter DA'ing, telling them I found some of their doctrines to be false after doing some research, & I wanted NO ONE TO CONTACT ME, and wished them well. Haven't heard a peep.

    Find a church you feel comfortable at. It may take a while, but you will find one. All the best to you!

  • rebel8

    The "need" to have shepherding calls, judicial committees, etc. is THEIR need, not yours. You are not subject to their Lord of the Flies rules anymore. It's really their problem if they feel uncomfortable or compelled to do something about you.

    To answer your question, yes I experienced something like that. And I said no, I am not living by their rules. It's their problem.

  • SnailsPace

    Was it two elders? I think it's a good safety practice to not allow two men into your home when your husband isn't there, even if you know them. It's a little disrespectful toward your husband for them to do that. Then again I'm a very cautious person.

  • oppostate

    Tell them you aren't interested in their uninvited visits.

    As a matter of fact you think they're stalking you and you're going to seek legal counsel and put a restraining order against them.

    If they dare do any judicial action concerning this you and your lawyer are going to view it as retribution against saying NO to their uninvited and unwanted advances.

    If they even contact you one more time you're going to have your lawyer write Bethel and tell them to rein in their appointed men who are stalking and harassing you or else you'll include them in your lawsuit against them.

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