Before I left over 2 yrs ago I had just ended a 3 yr "secret" relationship with an MS. I was a pioneer. He spent the night 4-5 nights per week and would leave for assemblies earlier than me from my house to care for his assignments. We were like bunny rabbits. I would feel guilty, sometimes horribly but he never did. Would never marry me. He cheated on me and it all came out but it ended up being a slap on the wrist because he was the golden child. It's laughable now how a couple could do what we did and only do it once and be disfellowshipped and we went at it hundreds of times and got nothing. Was just one of the many signs...
Do You Think Many Engaged JW Couples Fooled Around B4 Marriage?
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
James Jackson
About 75% in our area engaged in permarital sex.
Before I performed the wedding, I would asked the couple if it was a clean courtship, they all said "YES", only later to confess of wrongdoing
I swear most Pioneers are just guilt ridden sinners.
What a waste of effort.