@metatron: The reason we're still here is because nobody in charge actually WANTS the world to end. Yeah, religious zealots on both sides want the world to end in disastrous armageddon-style fashion however the people controlling those religious zealots want power and control as well as safety for themselves. The religious zealots (Tea Party on one side, Extremist Muslims on the other) do a very good job of keeping the tension to create an environment where power and control are easily seized yet the leaders don't ACTUALLY want to kill their constiuency and they know very well that if they let the Tea Party/Muslims take over, they'll lose it all. One of my history teachers once told us: "You know, those people in charge in the Middle East (back then it was still Sadam Hussein) - they have studied in the best Universities in the US and the UK, they know that the Koran or the Bible isn't actually true. However it suits them to have people give their life for an ideal, however they also know if someone drops the bomb, they'll be just as dead and there won't be any virgins waiting for them"
As far as cosmic reasons we're still here: Just very lucky. Sure we're overdue for a comet impact or a large natural disaster but we're only overdue for a couple of hundred years to the "average", we only have 3-5 data points with error bars of several 1000 years (these things happen every couple million of years - last time we still had to decend from a lemur-like ancestor) so not really a great way of doing any prediction. Also, if it happens within 100 years, it would still be on time but you'll probably be dead so it didn't happen "in your lifetime" is a bad argument for requiring a god, just that you're very, very lucky but your great-grandkids weren't.
It also shows that you simply don't understand the insignificance and briefness of your (or anyone's) life span and is actually a very dangerous attitude to have (god will save us anyway, so why bother preserving the environment). 80 years vs 80 million year is 9 zeros. It's unfathomable but you will be around for 1/175,000,000th slice of the Universe's age, if I assume you have lived half of that so you have lived for 1/350,000,000th slice of the Universe's age. If the Universe's timeline were drawn between New York and Seattle (and it takes you about 3 days to travel that with a car) your entire life would be drawn in less than 1 inch (and if you drove at 55mph, your entire life would have been passed by in 1ms, and you would pass by 400 of your lifetimes in a literal blink). If your and everybody else currently living can fit their lifeline in a thickness of 1/32th of an inch (barely visible), the entire current human population would require a band from Alaska to Mexico. That's how insgnificant you are.