true story. so was cleaning out an old storage unit on family property. i happened upon an old audio casette case full of audio watchtowers. i had a sudden flashback of all of the great albums that i watched get burned. green day, nofx, stp, sublime, etc. well i got a novel idea. i piled them up... about 50 or so, went buck wild with a sledge hammer, doused them in gasoline(cost wasnt a factor), and had a bonfire. they burned quickly and let off a noxious black smoke which only could have been demons escaping. once they were no longer a threat to anyone, i released my bladder on them. like smokey says "only u can prevent forrest fires". i wasnt struck by lightening but i did stub my toe. good day
burning satanic items
by fakesmile 12 Replies latest jw friends
WBTS mind games - when one considers that the Watchtower is run by the god of religion and king of the demons.
Found Sheep
I had many burn fests
Band on the Run
What a mighty foe to JAH and Christ - Satan who is afraid of fire. It is hilarious. I burned a NWT when I was a teenager, believing that the container was fire proof. It was not. Thank Goodness for alert moms.
you forgot to mention the good feeling afterwards
Hilarious :-)
Nathan Natas
You were lucky, the tapes contained Old Light, so Jehovah let you off with a toe stubbing.
Try a stunt like that with the new gray NNWT though, and all bets are off. Jehovah might send anti-matter after you.
IveOnce been told bound volumes don't burn.
As much as you may want to read into that, it's true. It's very hard to get bound volumes to burn without constantly stirring them up in the fire
Julia Orwell
I found they were hard to burn too. Those insight books were hard.
LOL, that was a waste of good audio tapes. You could have filled in the recording tabs and 'dubbed' over the WTS recordings with some Satanic heavy metal- recordered backwards, of course.