Catching the Governing Body with their pants down around the ankles

by Terry 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Here is a BIG ONE.

    Jehovah's Witness in the Divine Purpose ( 1959) p.91

    When the Society began to be freed for further preaching work following World War I, they soon realized that they had been held in spiritual bondage too in many ways. There were many false doctrines and practices that had not yet been cleaned out of the organization… With considerable misunderstanding they had accepted earthly political governments as the "superior authorities" that God had ordained according to Romans 13:1… particularly the civil rulers…

    In their own words, the GB are condemning themselves in black and white.

    Only 3 years later a complete reversal was coming which made them liars.

    For at least 33 years the Watch Tower Society perverted Romans 13.1

    It was an APOSTACY. All Christian denominations--except for Jehovah's Witnesses--taught the correct understanding.

    The Watch Tower called the historical understanding FALSE DOCTRINE and three years later began teaching what they had condemned!

    Watchtower 1963 January 1 p.31 Do You Remember?

    Who are the "superior authorities" to whom Christians are to be in subjection?

    The duly constituted political governments of this world.-Pp. 684, 685

    Don't laugh this off.

    WE NEED TO FORCE the JW's to explain it.

    How did this happen? Why was a false teaching taught as truth?

    What made them change the true teaching to a false one?

    Why did they claim the false teaching was true?

    What made them change it back?

    DEMAND AN EXPLANATION and you won't be able to get one, of course.

    The point is to get them wondering how it happened for themselves.

  • Terry

    I'll post this one because the moral equivalency pops out at you rather easily.

    The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126

    Sometimes a member of a class will refuse to engage in the canvassing for the books because there are some mistakes in the books, and says his conscience will not permit him to put books in which there are mistakes into the hands of the people. Of course this is another method that the enemy adopts to confuse the minds and furnish an excuse for not being faithful to the Lord. As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible and there has never been a book written yet that is perfect that has been written by any human hand.


    Here is an example of a remarkable correction hiding false prophecy


    The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life (book) 1968 pg.9 ch.1 Grand Blessings from God Near at Hand!

    [As published in original 1968 edition]

    Also, as reported back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, declared that our time is "a period of unequaled instability, unequaled violence." And he warned: "I know enough of what is going on to assure you that, in fifteen years from today, this world is going to be too dangerous to live in."

    The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life (book) 1981 pg.9 ch.1 Grand Blessings from God Near at Hand!

    [As published in 1981 edition]

    Also, as reported back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, declared that our time is "a period of unequaled instability, unequaled violence." Based on what he knew was then going on in the world, it was his conclusion that soon "this world is going to be too dangerous to live in."

  • leftbelow

    Love this marking for furtue refinance

  • designs

    The infamous Blue Bombshell with its Arrow pointing to 1975.

  • Finkelstein

    It is a fool's paradise of misinformation, awkward and ridiculous assertions and hard-headed nonsense presented as superior

    Divine insider knowledge.

    Good write up there Terry

    What all this information means is that the WTS. was and always will be an organization of religious Charlatans promoting

    and selling their own literature, which they believe they have the right to do so any way they please.

    Expose the organization's intensionally commercialized doctrines for their untruthfulness from inside the organization or outside

    and they are going to counter by trying to demonize those accusers.

    Call it their own self made protectionism .

    Sure they are self avowed frauds playing their own game of power and control but it also has become a game of procuring money as well.

    Spinning shit wording up to heighten public interest is their game and that entails spinning information disingenuously.

    Claiming they are true servants of Jehovah god, just adds to their pretentious corruption and deceit.

    But isn't that the reason why we are here to tell " The Truth about The Truth " ?

  • braincleaned

    compound complex, I was at that assembly (but in Toronto)... it was kinda gross... haha! There MUST be some pictures of that farce somewhere.

  • braincleaned

    Fantastic post Terry. Ah the memories...

    One point also sticks out: If you asked any member of the GB if they thought they were the most important group in the world today, they would have to say yes.
    The fact that they are individually part of that group eludes them because they are SOOOO humble. *barf*

  • JakeM2012

    Thank you Terry, another great post. I remember my mom told me she had studied with a women months before the new understanding of the superior authorities in the early sixties, and the women argued that the organization was wrong. My mother was insistent and the women continued studing. Then Mom went to the convention and listened to the talk explaining the new understanding of the superior authorities. Although embarrassed, she humbly re-taught the "corrected" information to the study. I can't say if women ever got baptised. But my mom was understandably embarrassed.

    I was around 9 years old when the article came out with the understanding that the heart is the seat of motivation, and not just a blood pumping muscle and I also remember the stage props of the heart and the mind at the assembly. I remember telling my Dad that they were wrong, and I was only 9 years old. I was still around when they changed it again in the 80's.


  • Finkelstein

    Combine Superior authority with Superior ignorance such what comes out of the WTS. leaders and you have crippling social anarchy.

  • konceptual99

    Heard only last night at little JW do...

    "I keep reminding XXXX (brother's wife) not too study too deeply as it only makes her confused".

    This from a 2nd gen MS in his 50s.

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