Today's WT study - WTS playing into Satan's hand?

by leaving_quietly 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • leaving_quietly

    The picture on page 26 of the 8/15/13 WT shows three scenarios with the caption "What Scriptural principles should come to your mind under these circumstances." The scriptures are, of course, what's discussed throughout the article. "the desire of the flesh", "the desire of the eyes" and "the showy display of one's means of life". Now, the third part of the picture shows a man looking at a display of what appears to be smartphones. The idea is that Satan is very crafty, and puts this desire in us, so do we really need to go out regard a smartphone as an everyday need?

    I submit that WTS has played into Satan's hand. At the Annual Meeting, I heard multiple people say, after the program ended, "well, I guess I need to go out and buy a tablet now." Who put the desire to regard these as a "need" into the hearts of JWs? It certainly wasn't the advertising world. No, it was WTS.

  • JakeM2012

    leaving, thanks for your post.

    I believe that they pull "evil" thingscorner paint of the world to bash out of their arse to use in the art work. Yes, they create a new app for the smartphone or tablet, but then bash as evil the "desire" to get a smart phone. I'll admit that for me individually the smart phone was a tool that helped expose the truth about the truth. I remember reading articles the e-watchman had written about why the WTBTS had to change their thinking on certain scriptures because they painted themselves in a corner. Further Watchtower was also a regular read. As the scales of my eyes fell while I was reading this information at appropriate times at work, I was crushed. They are playing with fire endorsing/condeming the internet or smart phones etc.

  • KateWild

    My 11yr old made that exact point. If a child can see the paradox in this then it wont be long before the wind blow the house of cards down

    Kate xx

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    There was the part on the AGM where WT was promoting their website and they had a brother from WT's geek IT department display on a table every form of electronic device including a laptop, an ipad, an ipad mini, other tablets and what looked like various smart phones that can be used for doing personal research.

    Then there is the BOE letter read to all congregations this week stating it's OKAY for elders to use tablets when giving talks.

    Then you have a 15 minute service meeting part this week instructing parents to show their children how to visit WT's website using these electronic devices.

    Then we read in this week's WT study lesson (page 13 & 14 and the illustration on page 26 ) that Satan uses these electronic devices to ensnare us.

    JW rank and file are so damn confused no wonder most are on medication!

  • losingit

    JWGoneBad... OMG! So happy Im out! It's stuff like that, the bavk and forth abd outright manipulations that frustrated and then finally enraged me as a Witness. Why are these people taking this abuse? To go from promoting the use of technology for spiritual research purposes to being told they're evil???? There's no way of making sense of it.

  • westiebilly11

    ...a well cannot produce fresh water and salt water at same contradiction after another with of schizophrenic doctrines...

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    The sad part is that JW children are just as confused.

    Our circuit like most other circuits has gobs of young families. It is not uncommon at DCs, CAs and at congregation meetings to see many family members with their own device. Mom and dad may have there tablet (ipad or the like) while little Johnnie and sweet little Sally have each their own ipad mini, ipod or smart phone.

    Can you imagine what's going thru these little minds when they too hear that yes its' Okay to use these devices....then no its' not Okay. Then yes its' Okay then no again!

    It won't be long til many of the JW youth join their parents and start taking drugs due to WT's perplexing and contradictory stance on electronic divices.

    We already know that many currently are discombobulated and flustered over the many doctrinal changes of recent and now WT's screwed-up thinking over electronic devices and the use of the internet!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    WT has to keep guilt piled on the sheeple... damned if you do, damned if you don't. Next they'll counsel the dubs to stop wasting time pooping and spending money on toilet paper, which are resources better spent sitting under a tent behind some cheesy posters.

  • rubbeng

    par. 7 : "Despite the fact that all the other trees of the garden were at her disposal, she chose to dwell on what Satan had said concerning the tree in the middle of the garden, ..."

    Gen. 2:9 : "... and also the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad"

  • snare&racket


    The only reason they hate apple, is because Jahooha couldn't get a job with them because his work is too shoddy...

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