Did you feel that everyone in the world was out to get Jehovah's people?
When You Were In, Did You Think Everyone Was Out To Get You Because You Were. A Witness?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
No, just that many jws were out to paint me as "weak" lacking spirituality. They would make up stories and pass them along until the elders came to check out the stories. Found out quickly they weren't true but did not correct the lies or adjust the jws.
Of course I had a non-jw father and associated with his friends and my mothers's non-jw relatives; I knew they weren't out to get us and in fact helped us many times when jws had pegged us as bad because my father was not a jw.
So many JWs believe everyone's out to get them. Either people or the demons,
Not only did we hear paranoia and persecution preached consistently but we experienced it as well. In High School we were routinely hauled out of school assemblies for not standing for some patriotic flag ceremony. Embarassed in front of the entire student body and teachers. Great fun
That is why any time anyone ever criticizes their teachings, and, or propaganda they view it as a threat. The uncanny Russelites are at an inch to, and extremely paranoid
oh yeah - that is drummed into you..everything is the enemy, from the devil....specifically calculated to undermine your faith. be in fear of anyone, anything, everything.....and if something challenging occurs in your life - it is a test......or better yet, you are being persecuted so you must rejoice!! persevere, pray the problem away - but hell no - don't do anything logical to cirumvent the difficulty.
Tell your doctor and the medical staff your dying child can't have blood to save them
Thats what your taught from a child..
The minute you wake up in the morning..
The whole world is out to Get You..
......Every day..All day long..
I define it as the "persecution complex". Because we were taught that we had the true religion, and that Satan would use even our own family to try to turn us away, I thought anything
negative directed at me was in a sense a form of "persecution" .
One of the worst things I read and struggled with was in the Revelation book, that WW2 happened just so Satan could attack Rutherford and the JW's... all those millions of lives dead for an americal solicitor with a drink problem....