SO cofty what do you attribute your born again experience to? if it wasn't the holy spirit, what was it?
im turning in my letter friday,
by unstopableravens 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
SO cofty what do you attribute your born again experience to?
I don't understand how psychology was confused for the holy spirit?
Unstopable, I think your turning in your DA letter is a good thing,,,,that is what I did.. 6 months of research , and I was fading out; I didn't want the borg to have
any more control over me. Writing the DA letter was my way of telling them : "lool I am taking control of my life now, I will be leaving on my terms & there is nothing they could do
about it. After I sent it in, I felt a weight was lifted from my life. It was about 9 months later that I was baptized in the church I had been attending for all that time I was fading.
I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit. Thank God for that. I did not have to believe any more that we had to be baptized in the name of "God's spirit directed organization." That is certainly not how the Bible says to be baptized.
Looking back , I can't even believe I was so gullible to believe that I was baptized in the name of Gods spirit directed organization.
But anyway, I commend you for writing a da will be treated the same as if you were df'd; but at least you have the control now.
Looking forward to reading it on this site. I have kept my da letter as a reminder of where I came from, and where I am today. : >)
dazed but not confused
That video doesnt work for me in the US. This one does.
Just in case anyone in the US is interested.
I hate when that happens
This reminds me of what my wife told me about an experience she had as a child in the Carribean.
There was a little girl of 7 in a pentecostal church. One day when a bunch of people started "catching the holy ghost" this little girl began speaking in tongues! She was filled with the spirit, then people in the church began talking in tongues as well. It was quite the experience.
The little girl went to different parts of the island and was well known. Some people were moved by her so much in a service they felt the spirit on them as well. She was recieving Christs gift.
3 years later she said she was faking and just speaking gibberish.
Now apparently all these people were nuts / lying or their minds and emotions caused them to think something was happening from a force that was not there ... that force is the mind.
I do however hope this person finds whatever it is they are seeking. Some people need religion to tell them what to do so when they fail at something they can always say they were doing gods will so it doens't matter if they are successful. They always have someone to blame and something to hope for.
Wow, some of you guys are preachy...
I like Derren Brown but I am a skeptic and I think it pretty obvious that his more elaborate 'tricks' tend to rely on actors:
From what I remember of watching his conversion of the atheist for example, in the lead up there were several different camera shots/angles of the conversation, showing that there would have been several different cameramen/women in the church, along with likely producers et al, yet just before her experience and during it she never reacts to any of the other number of other people in the room, which is not a natural way to respond. Occams razor would say that she was being directed and was acting, rather than having been hypnotised into a religious experience.
I suppose he presents a good example of how we can all fall for obvious tricks if they support our worldview and we want to believe.
J. Hofer
I suppose he presents a good example of how we can all fall for obvious tricks if they support our worldview and we want to believe.
^ this
losingit: wow, sounds like we have alot in common, look forward to talking to you more