Raise your beers to Mr Wallace !

by snare&racket 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Some people don't realise that attacking Darwin's personal life over Evolution is nonsensical as he was not the only scientist with the theory at the time. Many scientists were debating the idea including Darwin's father and grandfather. Amongst the people throwing the theory around was a young poor Welshman with a love for biology and questions, his name was Alfred, yes everyone could calm down a Welsh :) man called Alfred Wallace was also on the case.....

    Many don't know that he contributed much to the theory too. He and Darwin combined their work for the theory. My spine tingles with excitment and heart tugs with respect that these two men shared their decades of experiments, literally there life's work together, exchanging ego for truth.

    Wallace became an evolutionist in 1845 whilst living in Neath in Wales, after being inspired by Robert Chambers' controversial book Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. So interested in the subject did he become that in 1848 he suggested to his friend Henry Walter Bates that they go on an expedition to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil to collect and study animals and plants and try to solve the great "mystery of mysteries" of how evolutionary change has taken place.

    'I shd [should] like to take some one family, to study thoroughly - principally with a view to the theory of the origin of species. By that means I am strongly of [the] opinion that some definite results might be arrived at.'

    Although Wallace made many important discoveries during his four years in the Amazon Basin he did not manage to find the elusive mechanism. That would have to wait until some time later. Twenty-six days into his return voyage from Brazil back to England, Wallace's ship catches fire. It sinks along with almost all the natural history specimens he had collected during the two last and most interesting years of his trip.

    The survivors drift for 10 days in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean before being rescued by a passing cargo ship.

    Wallace sets off on his next and most important expedition, this time to Southeast Asia. He arrives in Singapore in April 1854 and spends the next eight years travelling 14,000 miles around the archipelago, visiting every major island at least once. This is where Wallace will make his most famous discoveries.

    Wallace writes about evolution for the first time from Sarawak in Borneo.His paper, On the Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New Species, is published later that year. It becomes known as his 'Sarawak Law' paper.

    In it he states, 'Every species has come into existence coincident both in space and time with a pre-existing closely allied species.'In his view this provides very strong evidence for evolution, but he still doesn't understand how it works.

    In February 1855 whilst in Sarawak, Borneo, Wallace wrote what was probably the most important paper published on evolution up until that point. His "Sarawak Law" article made such an impression on the famous geologist Charles Lyell that in November 1855, soon after reading it, Lyell started writing a "species notebook" in which he began to contemplate the idea of evolutionary change. In April 1856 Lyell paid a visit to Darwin at Down House, and Darwin divulged his theory of natural selection to Lyell for the first time: an idea which Darwin had been working on, more or less in secret, for about 20 years. Soon afterwards Lyell sent a letter to Darwin urging him to publish the theory lest someone beat him to it (he probably had Wallace in mind!), so in May 1856 Darwin, heeding this advice, began to write a "sketch" of his ideas for publication. Finding the "sketch" unsatisfactory, Darwin abandoned it in about October 1856 and instead began to write an extensive book on the subject.

    In February 1858 Wallace was suffering from an attack of fever on the remote Indonesian island of Gilolo (Halmahera) when suddenly the idea of natural selection occurred to him. As soon as he had sufficient strength he wrote an detailed essay explaining his theory and sent it together with a covering letter to Darwin, who he knew from correspondence was interested in the subject of species transmutation (as evolution was then called). He asked Darwin to pass the essay on to Lyell if Darwin thought it was sufficiently interesting - evidently hoping that Lyell would ensure that it was published in a good journal. Lyell (who Wallace had never been in contact with) was one of the most respected scientists of the time and Wallace must have thought that he would be interested to learn about his new theory because it explained the evolutionary "law" which Wallace had proposed in his 1855 paper. Darwin had mentioned in a letter to Wallace that Lyell had found his "Sarawak Law" paper noteworthy.

    Unbeknownst to Wallace, Darwin had discovered natural selection many years earlier. He was therefore horrified when he received Wallace's letter and immediately appealed to his friends Lyell and Joseph Hooker for advice on what to do. They famously decided to present Wallace's essay (without first asking his permission!), along with two unpublished excerpts from Darwin's writings on the subject, to a meeting of the Linnean Society of London on July 1st 1858. These documents were published together in the Society's journal a month later as the paper "On the Tendency of Species to Form Varieties; And On the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection". Darwin's contributions were placed before Wallace's essay, thus emphasising Darwin's priority to the idea.

    Darwin was to beat Wallace to the post on evolution, as a true scientist Wallace respected the pursuit of truth more than anything, dedicating his later publication (The Malay Archipelago) to Darwin.

    Cut to 2009 some 140 years later and a 26 year old snare arrives at University, denying Evolution as did the religious zealots of Darwin's and Wallace's time. I was to be taught medicine, but first about evolution here.....

    The Alfred Wallace Lecture Theatre in Cardiff University, Wales.

    I remember the first day I entered the theatre bemused at the name 'Alfred Wallace' as I passed his plaque by the entrance.

    Alfred Wallace died 100 years ago, he was a fantastic scientist and a good man, his dedication and hard work played a part in changing my life, maybe your life, drastically... over a century later. My lecturor was kind enough to loan me a third edition of "On the Origin of Species" following a conversation about the definition of evolution, everything I had been told growing up was a lie. I started to realise that the theory is undeniable, the beliefs I had were evidently wrong and it was time to make some seriously difficult decisions.... it was a very exciting time and there began my route from myth to science.

    Cheers Mr Wallace :) x

    If you live in the UK maybe go visit his 100 year celebration!



    Check out these pages for more info





  • designs

    first rate.

  • cofty

    Thanks for a fascinating post.

  • snare&racket

    “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”

    Charles Darwin

    In my early youth I heard, as ninety-nine-hundredths of the world do, only the evidence on one side, and became impressed with a veneration for religion which has left some traces even to this day. I have since heard and read much on both sides, and pondered much upon the matter in all its bearings...I have since wandered among men of many races and many religions. I have studied man, and nature in all its aspects, and I have sought after truth. In my solitude I have pondered much on the incomprehensible subjects of space, eternity, life and death. I think I have fairly heard and fairly weighed the evidence on both sides, and I remain an utter disbeliever in almost all that you consider the most sacred truths.

    Alfred Wallace

    The "First Ascending Passage" with the "Grand Gallery." That point marks the birth of our Lord Jesus, as the "Well," 33 inches farther on, indicates his death. So, then, if we measure backward down the "First Ascending Passage" to its junction with the "Entrance Passage," we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year B.C. 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, B.C. 1542. This calculation shows A.D. 1915 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1915 years A.D. equals 3457 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation—no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this "Witness" fully corroborates the Bible testimony on this subject, as shown by the "Parallel Dispensations" in Scripture Studies vol 2 ch 5.

    Pastor Russell

    The year 1926 would therefore begin about October first, 1925. We should, therefore, expect shortly after 1925 to see the awakening of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Melchisedec, Job, Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John the Baptist, and others mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews.

    JF Rutherford

    Wow, I can't believe we fell for the bottom two.....The clues were always there......

  • Hortensia

    Thanks, very interesting and enjoyable posts.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Well done, Snare! Great thread.

    You supplied me with a "missing link" of information. lol

    Interesting to note, Professor Wallace expressing his searching his whole life for "truth" about the origins of man and wanting to share this with other's, based on real scholarly research and study... vs. .. Wacko men like Russell and Rutherford, who said they have the truth™... About everything and don't ask them any questions. It is not allowed. Snake oil salesmen. FacePalm


    PS Nice University


  • smiddy

    Marked for later , seems to be a fascinating read.


  • doofdaddy

    Many years ago I crossed the Lombok straight in a dugout. Sounds exciting and dangerous? Yes it was as sinkings were common back then. I was stunned on arrival that the environment was so different to Bali where I started. On return home (pre internet) I searched the library and found I had crossed the Wallace Line. What a brilliant mind.

    As I recall Aldous Huxley's grand father (and father?) were early supporters and researchers of the evolution theory. More great minds in an era of great break throughs.

  • 2+2=5

    I liked the quotes you put together there. It seems Wallace had a real humble attitude, and the bottom two, well..... lets not get the thread off topic.

  • snare&racket

    Wow Doof, that is super cool ! Totally Jealous.

    These guys were true explorers, Darwins "Journey of The Beagle" is an exciting read and isn't fiction!

    One of the things I felt guilty about on researching, was the attitude I had to such men. I almost had a mocking disrespectful nature towards them, it was bred in WT literature and I had adaopted it by osmosis. Darwin did decades of experiments, meticulously designed and written down. The theory was born from experiments and data, not ideaology. I read his work and had a sense of a kind conscientious man in turmoil because his science was proving his faith wrong. He said he had the guilt of a man who had taken a life, yet he had done nothing wrong. I remember feeling the same way at the time as I had left the JW's.

    NB/ The mocking sense I had of such men has been bred in WT literature for a century, long after Darwin had died, The Golden Age was writing very immature and unchristian, judgemental and unkind comments about a deceased man they had never met....

    "A small boy who was playing near Mr. Darwin, who asked his mother "Why is Mr. Darwin so like a monkey in looks?"...(the article suggested)... in view of Darwin's hairy face and appearance " that possibly when he looked into a mirror, what he saw suggested his line of research"

    "It is queer how some people insist on having monkey progenitors. Perhaps the monkey-like tendency to foolishness and apeish mannerisms has something to do with it."

    "Many of the blind devotees of Science, bent upon ignoring the power, and, if possible, the very existence of the divine Creator, attempt to account for all things by so-called laws of nature."

    "It is plain to see that the aim of the Darwinian theory is to discredit the Bible account of creation and to thrust Jehovah out of this earth which He has created"

    All the while, this is what WT was writing, there own science, I kid you not.

    Watchtower Science

    "we might entertain reasonable hopes of grafting puppies and pears, alligators and apricots . . . but this can never be done; for the laws governing cells are fixed, and so comprehensive as to include even the germs, which are minute animal organisms, and differentiate them from bacteria, which are microscopic plants."


    "why the Darwinian theory cannot be true" monkey's are peaceable, hardly ever get sick, don't drink wine, smoke, chew tobacco, or live as humans."

    and emphasising their lack of understanding of evolution...

    "Whoever believes that Adam was developed from a monkey is in violent conflict with the faith"

    "let evolutionists tell us why animals do not evolve into creatures with three eyes, or ten for that matter; and why their stomachs do not get larger and larger, since their tendency is to eat more and more . . . the eye was an eye from the beginning . . . the eye did not move around into some other part of the body, but stayed in the head from time immemorial. Some animals would like to have an eye in their rear, for defense's sake; but they do not develop one there. The Bible informs us that man cannot add anything to his stature; neither can animals

    A paper ( Jerry Bergman, Ph.D) on Watchtower and Evolution teachings noted another Watchtower Scientific Theory:

    Conversely, some of the Watchtower's articles also relied heavily upon irresponsible pseudoscience books and articles such as the theory that the human races were caused by "glandular differences" that taught if the adrenal gland is too active, hair grows on the body which is black and course. A normal adrenal gland is less active and produces normal hair which is thin and silky (Coulter 1929: 611). The Watchtower accepts the glandular idea but criticizes the articles' conclusion that the races exist due to evolution, arguing instead that "the scriptures prove, however, that the change instituted in the glands was not an evolutionary change, but a severe, radical change" caused by God (Coulter 1929: 611). These specific God caused changes which brought this about, the Watchtower argues, was the change of the mild climate of the Edenic world to the severe climate of the post edenic world and also the climate changes which occurred after the deluge, and, last, changes that occurred due to humans eating of meat for the first time after the deluge (Coulter 1929: 612)

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