Back in the day, if you committed a DF'ing offence, you were either out on your ear or put "on probation".
Probations could be secret or public.
Probations always involved restrictions.
The worse case I ever encountered was a 14 year-old girl who had "committed" fornication. The sin was deemed public knowledge, so her probation terms were read to the entire congregation at the service meeting.
She was forbidden to ever be alone with a male, to never ever argue with her mother again, to spend 12 hours per month in the ministry, TV was limited to 1 hour a day and, - just get this - she had to be in bed at 9pm every night when there wasn't a meeting!
I sat in the KH and listened to this announcement. The sense of shame I felt at these revealtions as the girl just sat amongst us sobbing loudly will stay with me forever.