My wife is truly a non-jw...

by Jim_TX 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jim_TX

    A little bit of background (for those of you who came in late)...

    I used to be a jw (no joke!). I married a jw wife. We were married for about 20 years, and I couldn't take it anymore - since I was no longer a jw, and didn't believe in their doctrines anymore.

    I got divorced in 2002. Since that time, I was solo, and then met a nice non-jw woman. We got married in 2006 (I better remember the year... I will be tested on it later... by my wife - 8-)

    So. My current wife has had exposure to JWs when she was previously married. She was contacted by JW door-knockers (that almost sounds ... perverted...).

    She 'studied' with the jws, and attended their meetings... I don't think that she got as far as going door to door before she decided that it didn't make any sense, and called it off. (She didn't drink the kool-aid, thank goodness!)

    So. Last week, she and her mom went to her storage room, and were doing some cleaning, and re-packing of stuff in storage. She opened one box, and said, "OH!! This is going in the dumpster!"

    Her mother was curious, and asked, "What?"

    My wife showed her. She had kept a box of Jw publications that she had collected when she was exploring the religion.

    Her mom said, "Oh! You had better not take that home with you, Jim-TX will not like it!"


    So, she took the box (or boxes) to the dumpster and gave the literature the ol' 'heave ho'.

    She's great!

    For those that may think that I go ballistic if I see any jw litteratrash - it's not true. But, I know when things need to go in the trash, and jw litteratrash is some of that material that you don't even 'recycle'. Straight to the dump.

    She honestly didn't know that she had it, because when she got divorced from her ex, she just packed up all of her stuff, and transported it to Texas (from Missouri), and put it into storage. She's just now getting around to going through some of it.

    When she told me the story, I just laughed.


    Jim TX

  • Comatose

    Funny story. :)

  • adamah

    Jim said-

    For those that may think that I go ballistic if I see any jw litteratrash - it's not true. But, I know when things need to go in the trash, and jw litteratrash is some of that material that you don't even 'recycle'. Straight to the dump.

    Yeah, I say don't clutter the local land-fill with anything that could be recycled, since unlike the JWs, you hopefully STILL don't believe that inanimate objects can be "demonized" or some such vestige of silly superstitious thinking?

    It's only paper made of cellulose, and cannot harm you or anyone else if recycled (vs placed in the trash). It's as irrational as those people who think they're eliminating the idea by burning books, because they fear the concepts contained inside. You can't kill an idea with anything but countering it with reason.

    Your wife likely knows you go ballistic over such things, and likely protected you (and herself) from an anxiety attack.


  • designs

    Always remember to recycle paper

  • losingit

    I had boxes of stuff, BOXES!! Magazines, books, videos-- yiu name it. RECYCLING BIN all in ONE SHOT!

    Thought i threw it all out-- fiund ANOTHER BOX!!

    RECYCLING BIN meet jw littertrash LOL

    i figure i gave back to the world by making sure those dead trees were used wisely

  • Terry

    When I worked at Half Price Books I was on the BUY COUNTER at least once a day.

    On the BUY COUNTER you deal with people who bring in tons of old books to sell.

    You take their name and let them shop while you have a look and work up an offer.

    On one such occasion, I recall a veritible "treasure trove" of Watch Tower publications.

    All the bound volumes, older books, Kingdom Ministries, etc. You name it and it was there.

    Half Price Books does not make offers on anything without an original retail price. Religious stuff like the JW's print

    are a non-starter.

    Now here is why I bring this up. If I make NO OFFER to the customer who brought the junk in, 9 times out of 10 they will "donate" it.

    Donation means we can do as we please and try to make some use of it.

    In this case it would mean it would become part of a landfill.

    So, I make the offer to the lady when she comes back to the BUY COUNTER and I give her the good news. (See what I said there?)

    She told me, "I just want to get rid of this shit, that's all. It was my grandmother's. She died and I've been sorting through her things."

    I nodded in political correctness and stifled a mammoth grin and she went away after telling us she wanted to donate it.

    At this point I could have claimed it for myself had I wanted it by paying whatever nominal fee the Manager set.

    But, you see--I DIDN'T WANT IT.

    For the first time in my life, I had absolutely ZERO interest in holding on to it for ANY purpose such as "research".

    I was viscerally disgusted by the sight of it. I personally felt like burning it right there on the counter in a 3 alarm conflagration with firetrucks

    and men with axes!

    However, I did not do that. I calmly wheeled it out to the recycle barrels in the alley and dumped it all.

    It was like small pox toxins to me. It represented poisonous contamination.

    It was designed to separate human beings from their loved ones.

    It was carefully written, proof-read, published, distributed and hand-carried to people to rip the sanity from their mind and replace

    happiness and contentment in their lives with feckless disturbed bullshit!

    It was a container of caustic acid invented to dissolved the bonds of mother and child, husband and wife and good citizen from social contract.

    I can't begin to describe the extreme personal satisfaction bordering on an emotional high I experienced cramming those bound volumes of the

    Watch Tower into waste barrels one by one and closing the lid and imagining no other person would ever be harmed by them ever again!

    So, when Jim says of his wife giving the WT nonsense the old Heave Ho: "She's great!" I agree 100%. She really is.

  • Jim_TX


    hahahaha!!! You crack me up! If you remember, I posted recently about going to a Nine-Lives bookstore and spotting 3 or 4 bound volumes on the top shelf in the 'get rid of' section of the store.

    I called my wife over and asked her if she likes 'scary books'. She didn't know what I was talking about and slowly responded... "welllll... not really..."

    I then pointed up to the books and said something like, "Scary books!" {said in a 'I see dead people' voice}

    She just laughed and we both walked away from that potential disaster.

    ...and like you... I had NO desire to even open one of them.

    In fact... there's another used store that we go to that has several bookcases of used books. If I happen on a used WT publication, I will remove it from the shelf, turn it around backwards (so the binding is not showing), and put it back. I don't even read it... I don't care to.

  • zeb

    I recall suggesting in the '70's that we recycle mags and the like and got a serious look... but i always was years ahead of my time.

  • Hortensia

    I had a job pricing books at a used book store for a while. The owner held up some JW book and asked if it was worth anything. I said, "it's Jehovah's Witnesses, they're a cult." She tossed it without a second thought.

  • losingit

    Ha ha!! I had three boxes of books that I ws taking to the used book store for some cash. I knew the WT books probably had no value and that I wasn't going to get a cent. I hid them amobgst the other books. When the guy looked through the box, i was there. Superficial inspection. He gave me some cash. And I ran out of there like I had stolen something!!! Lol

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