Faith in God should not be weak because of a wicked organization?!

by Mr Fool 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    I feel it strange that many here is here because of the Wt organizations lies, contradictions etc (?!)

    A deep and personal belief in God should not stand or fall because of a wicked organization that manipulate people. If you believe, you believe, regardless. I have a feeling that other Christians in other organizations are more stable in their belief. But maybe my understanding is wrong. Sorry if I upset anyone.

  • cofty

    My experiences in the Watchtower had nothing to do with my loss of faith in a god.

    That was based on evidence not feelings.

  • KateWild

    I agree with cofty.

    My mum is an athiest Polish Jew. She is athiest because she narrowly eascaped the concentration camps. But I believe in God I am an ex Jew and an ex JW

    Kate xx

  • Finkelstein

    The personal experience involving the Watchtower Corporation is something that should be expected since its a

    fraudulent commercialized religious publishing house, thats also a highly controlling religious cult.

    Mix those two together and the usual outcome becomes very disruptive for god believers.

  • fulltimestudent

    I feel it strange that many here is here because of the Wt organizations lies, contradictions etc (?!)

    A deep and personal belief in God should not stand or fall because of a wicked organization that manipulate people. If you believe, you believe, regardless. I have a feeling that other Christians in other organizations are more stable in their belief. But maybe my understanding is wrong. Sorry if I upset anyone.

    You don't upset me, mate. You may need a spiritual crutch, to get through your life, but I don't!

    Show me a church that attains any size, that isn't full of lies and contradictions.

  • Phizzy

    When I realised that the WT/JW "religion" was a total fraud, founded on, and maintained by Lies, I did not lose my belief/faith in God.

    I felt exactly as you describe Mr F, primarily because over the many years I was in I came to see how much was pure nonsense that the WT spouted, and so I kinda had a religion of my own, or belief system, whatever, whilst still inside the WT Org officially.

    Eventually I came to realise that the very best thing I could do, so as never to be misled again , was to lead an evidence based life. If something could be proven, to my satisfaction, then I would deal with it as "fact", and it would be part of my life.

    If something was merely posited, with no proof, then I would have no truck with it, and it would not impinge upon my life at all.

    God soon fell in to the latter category.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think the WT has done such a damn good job of defaming any other (false) religion that an Ex-JW cannot conceive of going to another church, even after finding our that WTS is all wrong.


  • Gopher

    Phizzy said what I was going to say. When your world is turned upside down after leaving a high-control religion, it is natural to step back and re-examine life's important questions. What better time to do it? Some of us came to question EVERYTHING we had ever been taught about spirituality, and found that the re-evaluation led to the discovery that God seems less real and more distant for a variety of reasons - the existence of evil in the world first and foremost.

    As to this: " I have a feeling that other Christians in other organizations are more stable in their belief." When I went door-to-door as a JW, I found that most people couldn't really explain why they believed as they did - they just believed. (Of course, there were a few who could quote their Scriptures as well as any JW's could quote other ones. But those were rare, at least in the Midwest where I live.) My gut feeling is that JW's have, as a percentage, as many hard-core believers as any mainstream Christian religion.

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    Interesting views, thank you all

    Fulltimestudent, no, I cannot show you any church without faults and lies.

  • tornapart

    At the moment I've just started reading a book by Philip Yancy called Disappointment with God. Like JWs he was raised in a fundamentalist religion and for a time completely lost his faith in God becoming an atheist for 15 years. I think coming from a controlling religion it's so easy to lose faith in God too. When you start asking questions, they don't stop, one just leads to another. It's as if you have to find your own way all over again from the start.

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